Saturday, July 12, 2014

Blogging, How I Missed Thee!

Dusting off the old blog has felt really good. I  can not believe how long it sat idle.

There are many benefits to facebook but one draw back has been that it took the place of blogging for so long. Short snippets of life meant for an audience of the known. A watered down version of my thoughts and life. Filtered.

What I love about blogging is it has always been about my voice rather than about who would read it. It was life documented and shared. It was me to the core, sharing my thoughts, my experiences, my ups and downs, yet to an unknown entity. To the world in one sense but also to some that started out strangers and over time became friends, while others still were known from real life and read the blog. You never know who is reading your blog. And in an odd sense it is okay if no one reads it.

Don't get me wrong, I am a very social person. I love comments! I love interacting with people. I love feedback. I love opening the blogger dashboard and seeing page views. It is all very encouraging, rewarding even.

The really blessing has been going back through some of my old posts. I have been meandering around the blog and found some precious gems. Moments remembered, thanks to the blog. Some I have shared with my daughter, who has chuckled at glimpses of herself as a little girl, a time she herself does not remember. "When I was three I liked to sing and dance around the house? I guess that hasn't changed." "I was really that shy?" "Mom, if I ran a mile when I was 3, I want to go run right now." And so we did. She got her athletic shoes on, filled up a water bottle and we walked over to the track. I had documented her lap time on the blog and she just had to know if she could beat her time. When she was three almost four she did a quarter mile lap in 3:27. She stretched, put her toe on the line and off she went. In elegant strides, her legs obviously longer than 2007. She had a great pace and I could see the determination as she rounded the bend, 1:59. Faster. Satisfaction. Yet since she went a mile when she was 3, she decided to do a mile now as well. Reading the blog re-sparked something in her. She wants to start running again. :) Happy mama.

I always knew the blog had purpose. I underestimated how much value it had, and now hopefully will have again.

Thanks for reading!

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