Friday, June 23, 2006

Go There NOW!

This is too good not to share. Go check it out.

So what do you think?


Gina Conroy said...

Oh my! It brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of why we homeschool! Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

WOW ... That really is good.

Seeker4Christ said...

So touching! I wish it were God's will for us to homeschool right now, but I must obey Him and look at all circumstances and wait for His timing. Otherwise it will fall apart, right? Thinking more and more that DS#2 personality is more of homeschool, while DD thrives and behaves better when there are more kids around! Who woulda thunk it? Not I! How 'bout you? BTW, I subscribed to the emailings.

Anonymous said...

This is very true, BUT, children can do well...very well in public school! Most of your children's teaching should be done at home anyway...the school building is just there as another resource. Also, life is just not fair! Children will run into situations like this their whole life, why not teach them at a young age how to deal with them and not just shelter them at home the whole time! There are so many wonderful opportunities for children at public school, so many relationships that they can build, and so many children that have never heard about Jesus that they can witness to. And think of all the wonderful things a Christian family can do together to witness to teachers and other families! Home school can be effective for some children but can really hinder others, and I have seen the effects of children who were home schooled that shouldn't have been! You raise your children so they can leave. I know that is a hard concept to grasp, but who wants their kids still living with them when they are already grown?! If God has called you to home school your children make sure you are doing it for the right reason!!!

momteacherfriend said...

The reason we homeschool is because it something God called us to do. He does not call everyone to homeschool. I am thankful we do have this oppurtunity to mold, teach and guide our children. We know that this may only be for a season. There may come a day that God calls my kids into the public school system. If He does then it will be a part of His perfect will for my kids. Thats our motive; to be in the center of God's will for our lives.

Gotta love the benefits though.