Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dirt Don't Hurt

I have long believed that dirt indeed does NOT hurt! On the contrary I believe that dirt is good for you. I love dirty hands (the kind that have been out digging.) I am ok with dirty clothes. Have I mentioned I don't keep the cleanest house? My kids HAVE eaten food of the floor. GASP...did you hear it? Not only am I ok with it; I think it is good. Yes I do. I believe it helps them build their immunities. That being exposed to things is not their death. That it helps their systems develop and promotes health. So imagine how excited I get about articles like this one.
Go read it!

So what do you think?
Where are you? Do you obsess over cleanliness? Are you the other extreme, caring nothing about cleanliness? Tonight's lesson was increbible!! Beth Moore taked about obsession and neglect; neither extreme is healthy. You need to have balance and moderation. A proper respect. In regards to the above subject what is a good balance? I believe in hand washing, cleaning your home, and changing your underwear. That is a good balance for me.

Who wants to go play in the dirt?


Sooze said...

Yeaaahhhh!! Who knew I was doing my kids a favor by not cleaning my kitchen and bathroom floors!!

My house is definitely not the cleanest....but also not the dirtiest (ever). Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) its not my priority at this point in my life.

(side note: as I type this, my 11 month old is picking food off the kitchen floor and eating it....I have not idea what it could be...dinner from last night...breakfast from a week ago...who knows)

Anonymous said...

Well, with me, there is a balance going on. I no longer use antibacterial products and such, but on the flip side, I also know from talking to doctors that certain parasites can live in soil for years and if your children ingest them, they can end up with parasites in their eyes, lungs, even brains. Another thing is, that certain strains of bacteria can cause infections in kids, leading to worse illness, such as strep-to-menengitis, and others I could name.....So, I am no longer a germaphobic, but I also am not going to let my kids eat off the floor where poop residue could have been tracked in by people's shoes. ;( yuck (Or eat off Dr's offices floors) Call me crazy.

Anonymous said...

Although, some things cannot be avoided. My son did put a piece of dog poop in his mouth that he found while we were pet sitting, and although I am forever traumatized from it, he is showing no ill effects and is in fact, thriving. But if I have any control over the situation, my original post stands.