Returning to the sidebar is a listing of blogs I visit. Some are old favorites others are new. Feel free to check them out.
I apologize in advance...they are not YET in alphabetical order. (wink)
This is my life as I live it. While life is indeed personal and unique I believe it is meant to be shared. Feel free to look around; please comment. Enjoy and God bless! Note: DH-Dear Hubby, DS-Dear Son DD-Dear Daughter
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Coming Full Circle
Shortly after I accepted Christ God put me through discipleship 101. I was a senior in high school. God was undeniable, he had pulled me out of the pits and revealed himself mightily. A campus life leader went on a retreat, while there he had a vision from the Lord. After he returned back he assembled 12 youth, myself included. He sat us down and begin to share the vision the Lord had showed to him. In a simple sentence it boiled down to this; A christian nightclub for young adults. A place to worship. A time of teaching. Not just a vision, a command to go forth.
Starting out it was just the 12 of us. It was simply a bible study. We met together , prayed and dug into the Word. Not long after we began meeting together the Lord provided a place to gather. I remember the first time we saw it. Anticipation. It exceeded my expectations. It was a small space probably around 1000sq ft. It had a foos ball table and a bar. There were two rooms. The smaller room had a couch and some chairs. The larger room had a bar the length of the wall. A popcorn machine. And open floor space. I was sold. We continued on in bible study meeting in the new space. We prayed and we prayed. Then it happened; the birth of Visions. Ministry was happening, lives were changing, people were being saved. We switched from a bible study format to a nightclub atmosphere. We had worship and a message. You could play foosball or dance. Talk with friends. It was the ultimate hang out for teens, a safe place to bring your friends. An alternative to the things of the world. It was not long until we were bursting at the seams. Over 100 kids on a Friday night. I look back fondly at those memories. I was young but I knew I was exactly were I needed to be. I met my husband at that place. The time came that we needed something more...more space. Again provided. Thankfully the move was not far, it was next door to an abandoned nightclub. It was a huge open space with a private room in the back corner. There was an established bar counter and a small office. Perfect!
Ministry was in full swing. I was in close fellowship with God. I prayed consistently and for great lengths. I could not deny the work God was doing and I was continually in awe of how he worked. He provided and provided...he is good like that. At that time I literally prayed in my closet. I miss that closet. Good memories there. Like that time I knew I was to marry DH (I will share that at a later date.) Good times, good times.
A time came when I married and began to step back more from the weekly participation in Visions. The kids came. And I rarely made it up. Visions went through some ups and downs. A time of dryness. Times of great fruit. Some awesome people were raised up. Talents developed. More discipleship.
Last Friday the Lord spoke to me and showed me it was time to go back. It was not just for a visit, he is calling me back to minister. I do not know exactly what this looks like. I do know God's hand is in it. I know it will be good. I went last night. So much is the same, so much has changed. New faces. Some old faces. There was a time when I knew everyone by name. I knew if you were new the moment you walked in. That wasn't so last night. I knew 10 people. Then I learned the names of about 20. The worship began and I knew I was home. I did not know any of the songs at first. It did not matter to me. It was worship. The talk began and it took me a little off guard. The first few minutes were about me. It was a reminiscing of what used to be. A taste of the old days. The teaching a reminder of what the heart was "back in the day." Intimate time with God, sincere time in prayer. It was God has been speaking to me all week anyway. Getting back to the prayer closet. Or if you like a prayer walk. Whatever it looks like...commited prayer.
So it is coming full circle. Back to the ministry were life happened for me. It's exciting! What is it the Lord will do? Whatever it may be it will be good...and amazing.
Starting out it was just the 12 of us. It was simply a bible study. We met together , prayed and dug into the Word. Not long after we began meeting together the Lord provided a place to gather. I remember the first time we saw it. Anticipation. It exceeded my expectations. It was a small space probably around 1000sq ft. It had a foos ball table and a bar. There were two rooms. The smaller room had a couch and some chairs. The larger room had a bar the length of the wall. A popcorn machine. And open floor space. I was sold. We continued on in bible study meeting in the new space. We prayed and we prayed. Then it happened; the birth of Visions. Ministry was happening, lives were changing, people were being saved. We switched from a bible study format to a nightclub atmosphere. We had worship and a message. You could play foosball or dance. Talk with friends. It was the ultimate hang out for teens, a safe place to bring your friends. An alternative to the things of the world. It was not long until we were bursting at the seams. Over 100 kids on a Friday night. I look back fondly at those memories. I was young but I knew I was exactly were I needed to be. I met my husband at that place. The time came that we needed something more...more space. Again provided. Thankfully the move was not far, it was next door to an abandoned nightclub. It was a huge open space with a private room in the back corner. There was an established bar counter and a small office. Perfect!
Ministry was in full swing. I was in close fellowship with God. I prayed consistently and for great lengths. I could not deny the work God was doing and I was continually in awe of how he worked. He provided and provided...he is good like that. At that time I literally prayed in my closet. I miss that closet. Good memories there. Like that time I knew I was to marry DH (I will share that at a later date.) Good times, good times.
A time came when I married and began to step back more from the weekly participation in Visions. The kids came. And I rarely made it up. Visions went through some ups and downs. A time of dryness. Times of great fruit. Some awesome people were raised up. Talents developed. More discipleship.
Last Friday the Lord spoke to me and showed me it was time to go back. It was not just for a visit, he is calling me back to minister. I do not know exactly what this looks like. I do know God's hand is in it. I know it will be good. I went last night. So much is the same, so much has changed. New faces. Some old faces. There was a time when I knew everyone by name. I knew if you were new the moment you walked in. That wasn't so last night. I knew 10 people. Then I learned the names of about 20. The worship began and I knew I was home. I did not know any of the songs at first. It did not matter to me. It was worship. The talk began and it took me a little off guard. The first few minutes were about me. It was a reminiscing of what used to be. A taste of the old days. The teaching a reminder of what the heart was "back in the day." Intimate time with God, sincere time in prayer. It was God has been speaking to me all week anyway. Getting back to the prayer closet. Or if you like a prayer walk. Whatever it looks like...commited prayer.
So it is coming full circle. Back to the ministry were life happened for me. It's exciting! What is it the Lord will do? Whatever it may be it will be good...and amazing.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Lessons From the Park
Sweet little girl is 2 1/2. She loves her mom and loves to be near me. For a couple of months she has been going through some seperation anxiety. It has greatly improved the last 2 weeks but it is still there. What does this have to do with the park?
First trip to the bathroom I needed to go to the car for a cup. I watched her as she trampled across the field. Totally focused on her goal. She paid no attention to me or the fact that I was headed in a different direction. I let her go. I continued to the car, watching her the whole time. She ran on, never looked back. God spoke to me: So it is when you go on your own way. I am watching over you. Making sure you are safe. Ready to run to you if you call for me.
On another trip to the bathroom with DS I left DD with my friend. Munching on her cheese she was fine until I was completely out of sight. Then she freaked. I could hear the screaming and crying before I could see her. I paused and waited for her to get to me, picked her up and comforted her. With me she calmed. God spoke to me: I am your comfort. Sometimes I stand by and wait for you to come to me. Then I sweep you up in my arms and hold you close.
On the playground there is a wobbly bridge. It goes down steep, shakes when you cross. Little girl and I were walking together when I began across the bridge. She froze. "Help me mommy" Gently I coaxed her, "you can do it sweet, take a step." DD- "take my hand mommy." I came to her and took her hand, she stepped out onto the bridge and walked the path. It wobbled she kept going. God spoke to me: So it is with you, when you come to something new don't be afraid. I am gently guiding you. When you are scared to take the first steps on your own, I will take your hand and lead you down the path. For I am with you.
Praise God! He watches over me. He is my comfort and holds me in His arms. He takes my hand and leads me down the path. I love my Daddy! Oh Abba Father!
First trip to the bathroom I needed to go to the car for a cup. I watched her as she trampled across the field. Totally focused on her goal. She paid no attention to me or the fact that I was headed in a different direction. I let her go. I continued to the car, watching her the whole time. She ran on, never looked back. God spoke to me: So it is when you go on your own way. I am watching over you. Making sure you are safe. Ready to run to you if you call for me.
On another trip to the bathroom with DS I left DD with my friend. Munching on her cheese she was fine until I was completely out of sight. Then she freaked. I could hear the screaming and crying before I could see her. I paused and waited for her to get to me, picked her up and comforted her. With me she calmed. God spoke to me: I am your comfort. Sometimes I stand by and wait for you to come to me. Then I sweep you up in my arms and hold you close.
On the playground there is a wobbly bridge. It goes down steep, shakes when you cross. Little girl and I were walking together when I began across the bridge. She froze. "Help me mommy" Gently I coaxed her, "you can do it sweet, take a step." DD- "take my hand mommy." I came to her and took her hand, she stepped out onto the bridge and walked the path. It wobbled she kept going. God spoke to me: So it is with you, when you come to something new don't be afraid. I am gently guiding you. When you are scared to take the first steps on your own, I will take your hand and lead you down the path. For I am with you.
Praise God! He watches over me. He is my comfort and holds me in His arms. He takes my hand and leads me down the path. I love my Daddy! Oh Abba Father!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Giving Heart
Little did I know that today when I accepted an invitation to join a friend at the park all the lessons I would learn. Let me share with you. As we got ready to leave my son asked for his SAVE envelope. This is where he places all the money he is saving. After receiving a chunk of change for his birthday he purchased a hockey stick and some handcuffs; that's all he wanted. He put the remainder in the envelope. Today he asks for it and I give it to him. I have made no mention to him of what he wanted to do with the money. I have not suggested purchases nor have I said to save it. It is his money and I have trusted him to do what he needs with it. I know this is not normal to do with a just 5 but that's what we do. So he gets his envelope and takes some money out of it. I think he is just taking some along for the trip to the store. WRONG. He tells me "I have a twenty and a one in my pocket." My reply "OK are you taking it with you to the store?" DS-"NO, I am going to give it to Kaitlyn and Kyla." ME-"Your going to give them $21 of your dollars?" DS-"Yes!" ME-"OK, if that's what you want to do. Is that what you want to do? DS-"Yes." I am curious so I ask "Why are you giving them money? DS- "Because I want to. Do they get money?" I shrugged my shoulder and said "I don't know, I don't think so." He said "I am going to give them the money $20 for Kaitlyn and $1 for Kyla." I was perplexed but didn't say much about that. Although I did say maybe they should share it. Then it came out that he felt God had told him to. The Holy Spirit is speaking to my five year old...and he is listening. Awesome!
So we go to the park we meet our friends. I make a few trips to the bathroom with kiddos. We share lunch. The kids play. The moms talk. Then we all go swing. I ask him if he is still going to give his gift. He jumped off his swing in excitement and tells Kyla stop swinging (Kaitlin was at school.) She looks at him not wanting to stop swinging. I smiled and told her he* had a gift for her. Her eyes lit up and she slowed down the swing so she could get off. DS went digging in his pocket and brought out the money. He placed it in her hands and said "This is for you and Kaitlin; 20 for Kaitlin and 1 for you." Kyla was so happy she was holding money and it was for her. Their mom looked at me and said "did he just give her money." "Yup $21." "You mean my daughter is holding on to $21." "Yes." "Wow, why?" "He just wanted to give it to them." I filled her in on some details and told her I wasn't sure why he was insistent on who got what but added maybe Kaitlin is believing for $20, I don't know but do with it what you need to do. I do know that I learned a thing about my boy. He loves Jesus and wants to follow him. That he hears from God and desires to obey. That he has a giving heart. He gave with JOY, he was overflowing, just mentioning it he bubbles up and smiles. I have prayed that my kids would have giving hearts, that they not hold on tightly to possesions in this world; seeing it in action blows me away.
When dad came home from work he shared it with regrets, still full of joy. DH asked him what he was saving his money for and he told him "a pool for the back yard." Sowing seeds like he did today I do believe God will bless him. Perhaps with the desires of his heart ...that pool. When asked how long it would take him to save for the pool he said "684 years." and he is willing to wait.
There was more I learned that I will share later...
And don't let me forget to share my story about Eli from this weekend.
God is so good.
So we go to the park we meet our friends. I make a few trips to the bathroom with kiddos. We share lunch. The kids play. The moms talk. Then we all go swing. I ask him if he is still going to give his gift. He jumped off his swing in excitement and tells Kyla stop swinging (Kaitlin was at school.) She looks at him not wanting to stop swinging. I smiled and told her he* had a gift for her. Her eyes lit up and she slowed down the swing so she could get off. DS went digging in his pocket and brought out the money. He placed it in her hands and said "This is for you and Kaitlin; 20 for Kaitlin and 1 for you." Kyla was so happy she was holding money and it was for her. Their mom looked at me and said "did he just give her money." "Yup $21." "You mean my daughter is holding on to $21." "Yes." "Wow, why?" "He just wanted to give it to them." I filled her in on some details and told her I wasn't sure why he was insistent on who got what but added maybe Kaitlin is believing for $20, I don't know but do with it what you need to do. I do know that I learned a thing about my boy. He loves Jesus and wants to follow him. That he hears from God and desires to obey. That he has a giving heart. He gave with JOY, he was overflowing, just mentioning it he bubbles up and smiles. I have prayed that my kids would have giving hearts, that they not hold on tightly to possesions in this world; seeing it in action blows me away.
When dad came home from work he shared it with regrets, still full of joy. DH asked him what he was saving his money for and he told him "a pool for the back yard." Sowing seeds like he did today I do believe God will bless him. Perhaps with the desires of his heart ...that pool. When asked how long it would take him to save for the pool he said "684 years." and he is willing to wait.
There was more I learned that I will share later...
And don't let me forget to share my story about Eli from this weekend.
God is so good.
Day of the Hatch
Today is the day of the hatch for the falcons. My dad called a few minutes ago and said she had something in her mouth. I did get to see something and it was then in her talons. She may have been eating, although she normally does not eat in the nest box. It may have been a baby...hard to say yet. She is definately acting different. Today is the day predicted and her behavior suggests...something is happening.
Update 10:20am:
I feel like a momma bird bursting with excitement.
Do you see that? Look at the egg then scan to the right. There under Victory is a baby. Two black eyes and a tiny beak. So exciting.
Update 4:09pm:
I have been mistaken. That is not a baby. At 4:00 Victory came of the eggs to reveal that four are still intact. No baby falcon. I did see in the eight minutes she was off the lower right egg move. SIGH. Soon...

Update: 4/28 Today one hatched here is the first good look I had at the baby. Another one she has been paying close attention I would not be suprised if we get a look at another soon.
Update 10:20am:
I feel like a momma bird bursting with excitement.

Do you see that? Look at the egg then scan to the right. There under Victory is a baby. Two black eyes and a tiny beak. So exciting.
Update 4:09pm:
I have been mistaken. That is not a baby. At 4:00 Victory came of the eggs to reveal that four are still intact. No baby falcon. I did see in the eight minutes she was off the lower right egg move. SIGH. Soon...

Update: 4/28 Today one hatched here is the first good look I had at the baby. Another one she has been paying close attention I would not be suprised if we get a look at another soon.
Pondering In the Middle of the Night
It is nearing 1am, I am NOT normally up at 1 am. I am much more a morning person than a night owl. Yet here I am the house is asleep and I am up. Odd I know. I've been thinking...I have some awesome friends. Tonight was the celebration wrap-up for the Beth Moore study Living Beyond Yourself. Those ladies are so dear to me. They can make me laugh, they have seen me cry. We experienced some incredible teaching and life change the last couple of months. One was so sweet she gave me roses. 21 peach roses in a white metal vase. Beautiful. I love that while we are a large church these ladies have made they effort to do life together. To be real and to grow. I love each of you.
Then there is a marking of a new chapter. The John study I mentioned yesterday (technically two days ago) has opened a door for new friendships. I have a sense as I read the blogs of the other women that I have known them all my life. Or that I could easily start a relationship with them. Have them over for dinner. Play at the park. Meet them at a coffee shop. Sure they live all over the United States (mostly Texas but also Arkansas and Oklahoma) but I can picture sitting down and sharing life with them. I love getting to know their unique personalities. Reading the stories they share. It shows me that while we are each unique, we are very much the same. We all love our husbands, our kids, the Lord. We want to do what's right.
I think that's why I am up so late tonight. After commenting on the study I went to get to know some of the ladies better. Reading blogs.
Be back to blogging tomorrow. Good night. I am off to bed. Me sleepy!
Then there is a marking of a new chapter. The John study I mentioned yesterday (technically two days ago) has opened a door for new friendships. I have a sense as I read the blogs of the other women that I have known them all my life. Or that I could easily start a relationship with them. Have them over for dinner. Play at the park. Meet them at a coffee shop. Sure they live all over the United States (mostly Texas but also Arkansas and Oklahoma) but I can picture sitting down and sharing life with them. I love getting to know their unique personalities. Reading the stories they share. It shows me that while we are each unique, we are very much the same. We all love our husbands, our kids, the Lord. We want to do what's right.
I think that's why I am up so late tonight. After commenting on the study I went to get to know some of the ladies better. Reading blogs.
Be back to blogging tomorrow. Good night. I am off to bed. Me sleepy!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
John Study
I am excited about a new oppurtunity I have. I wanted to extend it on to you. A blogging bible study. Join others online as we read the book of John together and share our thoughts, response and insight into what we are reading. Simply read one chapter a day and comment on what you read or simply that you DID read. I am excited, I hope you will join.
Amanda is the hostess. As I have read through some of her blog I am impressed by her heart and her obedience to do this study.
Go check it out. It began yesterday so to be on track with everyone else read chapters one and two by the end of the day. Or start a day behind I suppose that would not hurt.
Amanda is the hostess. As I have read through some of her blog I am impressed by her heart and her obedience to do this study.
Go check it out. It began yesterday so to be on track with everyone else read chapters one and two by the end of the day. Or start a day behind I suppose that would not hurt.
Monday, April 24, 2006
I have returned home! What an incredibly awesome weekend. One I will never forget and has marked me forever. I spent time at the throne of God and worshipped with a new freedom. I experienced affrimation, confirmation, incredible teaching, correction, revelation. I saw the body of Christ in operation. I saw gifts and talents being used and discovered. I came expecting and I received. Praise be to God!! Bless His name!!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Lord blessed me tonight with a teaching on dedicating my body, his temple, to Him. Hannakah means dedication and tonight I had an oppurtunity to do so. This weekend I will be taking part in a crusade, I am excited to see God move. As preperation for those three days of the crusade I will be setting apart tomorrow as a time of consecration. A deliberate stepping back from the world and a renewed focus on Him. I know my God is big, bigger than I can even imagine. I know He has big things planned for me and the others in attendance. I know He has called me to set this day before Him and seek His face in preperation. This means I will be turning off the computer, the phone and TV. Please pray for me this weekend, that I receive all that He has for me; with an open heart and mind. That He heal and restore, encourage and affirm. That I would have direction for the coming days.
Morning Conversation
DD "Where you going daddy, work?"
DH "Yes, are you going to work?"
DD "No"
DH "When are you going to go to work?"
DD "When I get mine own house."
Dear daughter- age 2 1/2
DH "Yes, are you going to work?"
DD "No"
DH "When are you going to go to work?"
DD "When I get mine own house."
Dear daughter- age 2 1/2
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hairball Bowling
This made me laugh. Hairball Bowling. The cat is moving quickly click when the cat is in position. My score was 145, better than my true bowling scores where I hope for 100. Have fun.
Thanks Raychel.
Thanks Raychel.
Happy 5th Birthday
Dear Son,
This last year you have grown and accomplished SO MUCH!
You learned to swim both forward and backward the full length of the big pool. You learned to ride your bike with no training wheels. We enjoyed many bike rides with the tag-along. Thanks for the rides to Saturday morning breakfast, you helped us make it over the hills. This last year you learned to shimmy up trees, ropes and poles; definately not afraid of heights. You can swing a bat and hit the ball. You can catch a ball. Our record is 36 for throwing back and forth with each other without dropping it. You learned to swing on your own and jump off. You love to do obstacle courses on the swing set. You can make it all the way across the monkey bars.
This year you grew up. You no longer suck your thumb, you gave it up on your own. You accepted Christ as your Savior. You memorized many scriptures. I noticed that you are determined. That if you set your mind to learning or doing something you WILL acheive it. You do not give up easily. Your a great big brother, looking out for your sister; most of the time. You got your dog and take good care of it. You are learning responsibilty. This year you saved $40 of your allowance to buy your robot. You showed me that you are willing to work and wait for something you really want.
This fall you started preschool at home. You have a desire to learn. You can identify all your letters and numbers. Count clearly to 30. Will count to 100 with minor mistakes. You can count to 100 by tens. You like abstract things like pattern blocks and puzzles. You can do a 100 piece puzzle. You like to draw but not color. You love to spell out words. You can write most of your letters from memory, or copy anything you see. You can play war, go fish, boggle jr, candyland and chutes and ladders. You win... a lot...and I don't just let you win. Your hand eye cordination on the computer amazes me. You are better at many computer games than some adults. You can tell time to the hour and say the date.
You are an amazing kid! For all that you do and for all that you are! Thanks for being you. God is raising you up in such a way that you bring Glory to Him. I love you very much!
This last year you have grown and accomplished SO MUCH!
You learned to swim both forward and backward the full length of the big pool. You learned to ride your bike with no training wheels. We enjoyed many bike rides with the tag-along. Thanks for the rides to Saturday morning breakfast, you helped us make it over the hills. This last year you learned to shimmy up trees, ropes and poles; definately not afraid of heights. You can swing a bat and hit the ball. You can catch a ball. Our record is 36 for throwing back and forth with each other without dropping it. You learned to swing on your own and jump off. You love to do obstacle courses on the swing set. You can make it all the way across the monkey bars.
This year you grew up. You no longer suck your thumb, you gave it up on your own. You accepted Christ as your Savior. You memorized many scriptures. I noticed that you are determined. That if you set your mind to learning or doing something you WILL acheive it. You do not give up easily. Your a great big brother, looking out for your sister; most of the time. You got your dog and take good care of it. You are learning responsibilty. This year you saved $40 of your allowance to buy your robot. You showed me that you are willing to work and wait for something you really want.
This fall you started preschool at home. You have a desire to learn. You can identify all your letters and numbers. Count clearly to 30. Will count to 100 with minor mistakes. You can count to 100 by tens. You like abstract things like pattern blocks and puzzles. You can do a 100 piece puzzle. You like to draw but not color. You love to spell out words. You can write most of your letters from memory, or copy anything you see. You can play war, go fish, boggle jr, candyland and chutes and ladders. You win... a lot...and I don't just let you win. Your hand eye cordination on the computer amazes me. You are better at many computer games than some adults. You can tell time to the hour and say the date.
You are an amazing kid! For all that you do and for all that you are! Thanks for being you. God is raising you up in such a way that you bring Glory to Him. I love you very much!
Monday, April 17, 2006
About Boys
I came across this article today and found it fascinating. If you have kids in school go read it.
Today at my six month dental cleaning the hygentist and I had a great discussion. We were talking about kids with focus issues and how things are dealt with in the school. Some teachers are great at seeing the kids needs and meeting them. Others have no desire to accomadate these children at all. Often these kids (most often boys but not excluded to only boys) will act out in boredom and frustration. They get labeled or looked down upon. It frustrates me. Boys need to be boys. Kids need recess and play time. Kindergarteners need quiet rest time; remember the mats back in the day. You didn't have to sleep although many did. My dad recently said to me "Quiet time was most of the school day for me in kindergarten. There was no grade just a report of plays well with others." Now we expect our 5 year olds to attend a full day of school and have NO nap(quiet) time.
A couple of weeks ago I met a friend for lunch when trying to decide between going to the zoo or the park her preschooler said "the park! I need to move my body we just sat at our desks all day and worked, worked, worked."
How do we find the balance of work and play in the classroom? How do kids with focus issues get the help they need? Do you think gender schools are an answer? Is "No Child Left Behind" putting so much pressure on these kids to perform, that basic needs are being overlooked?
What do you think?
Today at my six month dental cleaning the hygentist and I had a great discussion. We were talking about kids with focus issues and how things are dealt with in the school. Some teachers are great at seeing the kids needs and meeting them. Others have no desire to accomadate these children at all. Often these kids (most often boys but not excluded to only boys) will act out in boredom and frustration. They get labeled or looked down upon. It frustrates me. Boys need to be boys. Kids need recess and play time. Kindergarteners need quiet rest time; remember the mats back in the day. You didn't have to sleep although many did. My dad recently said to me "Quiet time was most of the school day for me in kindergarten. There was no grade just a report of plays well with others." Now we expect our 5 year olds to attend a full day of school and have NO nap(quiet) time.
A couple of weeks ago I met a friend for lunch when trying to decide between going to the zoo or the park her preschooler said "the park! I need to move my body we just sat at our desks all day and worked, worked, worked."
How do we find the balance of work and play in the classroom? How do kids with focus issues get the help they need? Do you think gender schools are an answer? Is "No Child Left Behind" putting so much pressure on these kids to perform, that basic needs are being overlooked?
What do you think?
Friday, April 14, 2006
Rite of Passage
Tonight at the YMCA DS had a rite of passage. He is not tall enough to go on the water slide yet he is an excellent swimmer for his age. He rode it last fall and loved it. When we went tonight he wanted to go again. He asked the attending lifeguard if he could go on it. She said he would have to take a swim test then asked me if he could swim the length on the pool. Which he can. So she let him go. She watched him go down twice then called him over. She told him good job you passed and now you get your name on the list. Woohoo. That means whenever the waterslide is running DS can go on it. They will take one look at him and think he is too little. Then DS will politely tell them that he passed his swim test and his name is on the list. Balla Boom Balla Bing!
April Ladies Night
Calling ALL Ladies:
April 29th 7pm
Theme: Pampering
Bring an appetizer to share.
See you there!
April 29th 7pm
Theme: Pampering
Bring an appetizer to share.
See you there!
Why I Love My Church
I am listening to a CD our church released this weekend. It is so beautiful. Songs of praise and sincere worship. Songs that usher me into the presence of the God. Renewing my mind as I sing them throughout the day, even when the CD is not playing. The thing that really amazes me is that 9 of the 11 songs were written by people in our congregation. This excites me. I love when talents are used to glorify God.
Other reasons I love my church:
A sensitivity to the Spirit
Desire to follow the Word
Equipping believers- Amazing teaching is available to any who desire to grow
Small groups- As a large church last I heard 80% of regular attenders were involved in a small group. Small community is so important for growth and accountabilty
Heart for Missions- Local and across the world
Heart for the youth- I feel kids have a voice. They are a priority!
Servant's heart- Nearly everyone contributes in some way to the function of the church.
Truth spoken- Sensitive issues are not avoided but handled with sensitivity
Amazing Staff!! I am thankful for a senior pastor who leads with integrity. I truly believe they work together with the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. As Pastor Brad said on Sunday "no worship wars here." That is refreshing.
I feel so blessed to be a part of this church!
Trinity Church-Lansing

Weekend ServicesFri. 7 PM / Sun. 8:30, 10, & 11:30 AM Easter Weekend Good Friday we recognize the death of our Lord for our sins. Easter Sunday is the completion of God's plan--Christ arises to break our chains! Join us as we experience freedom.
Other reasons I love my church:
A sensitivity to the Spirit
Desire to follow the Word
Equipping believers- Amazing teaching is available to any who desire to grow
Small groups- As a large church last I heard 80% of regular attenders were involved in a small group. Small community is so important for growth and accountabilty
Heart for Missions- Local and across the world
Heart for the youth- I feel kids have a voice. They are a priority!
Servant's heart- Nearly everyone contributes in some way to the function of the church.
Truth spoken- Sensitive issues are not avoided but handled with sensitivity
Amazing Staff!! I am thankful for a senior pastor who leads with integrity. I truly believe they work together with the co-operation of the Holy Spirit. As Pastor Brad said on Sunday "no worship wars here." That is refreshing.
I feel so blessed to be a part of this church!
Trinity Church-Lansing

Weekend ServicesFri. 7 PM / Sun. 8:30, 10, & 11:30 AM Easter Weekend Good Friday we recognize the death of our Lord for our sins. Easter Sunday is the completion of God's plan--Christ arises to break our chains! Join us as we experience freedom.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Self Examination
I mentioned in the last post a concept of neglect and obsession. How each extreme is unhealthy. What does this look like? Lets examine ourselves together, shall we. Ask yourself these tough questions. I pray that you will be honest with yourself and that your eyes will be opened to where it is that you are needing balance today.
Do you exercise with fevor, recording every step? Do you feel guilt if you miss a workout? Or do you sit on the couch most of the day? Giving little care to your body? Are you moving about?
Do you obsess about food? Counting every calorie, analyzing every morsel that enters your mouth. Not eating. Eating too much. Gourging, binging with no restraint. Eating all the wrong foods.
What about your time? Are you giving an unbalanced amount of time to your tv, your computer, your work? Are things being neglected? Do you micromanage every minute of your day; ruled by your to-do list? Do you have no plan for your day and let it slip away not accomplishing anything productive?
What about your thought life? Do you dwell in worry and fear? Do you over analyze everything around you? Do you have any tangible, intellectual thoughts; at all?
Are you always moving; busy? Are you lazy?
Family. Do you spend every waking moment meeting every need your family has? Do you escape and let others care for your family? Is your time with your kids filled with distraction?
Your possessions. Are you always needing the latest and greatest? Do you have a lot of stuff? What do you do to obtain it? Are you envious? Are you ever satisfied? Or do you have a poverty mindset? Do you believe that you will never have anything nice? Do you dwell in self-pity? Are you dependant on others to meet basic needs?
Are you a hard worker? Do you over-work? Do you work at all? Do you expect others to provide or do it for you?
Your home. Do you have the cleanest house you know? Do you have rooms of your house no one can use because they are to be kept in perfect order? Do you clean and clean and clean some more? Do you have the messiest house you know? Is nothing in order? Is it promoting sickness? Do you ever clean? Are thing breaking down from neglect?
A little personal here. Your sex life. Is it consuming you? Are you seeking ungodly means to be fulfilled? Are you withholding from your partner?
Not married? Are your thoughts pure? Your actions?
If there are questions not asked and yet God is bringing them to mind take note.
Can you see how things can be when we give in to obsession? Neglect? Is God speaking to you on areas in your life where you need to find a healthy balance? I am praying you will be obedient.
Be blessed my friends.
Philippians 4:5 (King James Version)
5Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
1 Corinthians 10:31 (New International Version)
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Note: Accountabily can be a key to your success in overcoming these things. Pray for someone to help you through the process of finding balance.
Do you exercise with fevor, recording every step? Do you feel guilt if you miss a workout? Or do you sit on the couch most of the day? Giving little care to your body? Are you moving about?
Do you obsess about food? Counting every calorie, analyzing every morsel that enters your mouth. Not eating. Eating too much. Gourging, binging with no restraint. Eating all the wrong foods.
What about your time? Are you giving an unbalanced amount of time to your tv, your computer, your work? Are things being neglected? Do you micromanage every minute of your day; ruled by your to-do list? Do you have no plan for your day and let it slip away not accomplishing anything productive?
What about your thought life? Do you dwell in worry and fear? Do you over analyze everything around you? Do you have any tangible, intellectual thoughts; at all?
Are you always moving; busy? Are you lazy?
Family. Do you spend every waking moment meeting every need your family has? Do you escape and let others care for your family? Is your time with your kids filled with distraction?
Your possessions. Are you always needing the latest and greatest? Do you have a lot of stuff? What do you do to obtain it? Are you envious? Are you ever satisfied? Or do you have a poverty mindset? Do you believe that you will never have anything nice? Do you dwell in self-pity? Are you dependant on others to meet basic needs?
Are you a hard worker? Do you over-work? Do you work at all? Do you expect others to provide or do it for you?
Your home. Do you have the cleanest house you know? Do you have rooms of your house no one can use because they are to be kept in perfect order? Do you clean and clean and clean some more? Do you have the messiest house you know? Is nothing in order? Is it promoting sickness? Do you ever clean? Are thing breaking down from neglect?
A little personal here. Your sex life. Is it consuming you? Are you seeking ungodly means to be fulfilled? Are you withholding from your partner?
Not married? Are your thoughts pure? Your actions?
If there are questions not asked and yet God is bringing them to mind take note.
Can you see how things can be when we give in to obsession? Neglect? Is God speaking to you on areas in your life where you need to find a healthy balance? I am praying you will be obedient.
Be blessed my friends.
Philippians 4:5 (King James Version)
5Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
1 Corinthians 10:31 (New International Version)
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Note: Accountabily can be a key to your success in overcoming these things. Pray for someone to help you through the process of finding balance.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Dirt Don't Hurt
I have long believed that dirt indeed does NOT hurt! On the contrary I believe that dirt is good for you. I love dirty hands (the kind that have been out digging.) I am ok with dirty clothes. Have I mentioned I don't keep the cleanest house? My kids HAVE eaten food of the floor. GASP...did you hear it? Not only am I ok with it; I think it is good. Yes I do. I believe it helps them build their immunities. That being exposed to things is not their death. That it helps their systems develop and promotes health. So imagine how excited I get about articles like this one.
Go read it!
So what do you think?
Where are you? Do you obsess over cleanliness? Are you the other extreme, caring nothing about cleanliness? Tonight's lesson was increbible!! Beth Moore taked about obsession and neglect; neither extreme is healthy. You need to have balance and moderation. A proper respect. In regards to the above subject what is a good balance? I believe in hand washing, cleaning your home, and changing your underwear. That is a good balance for me.
Who wants to go play in the dirt?
Go read it!
So what do you think?
Where are you? Do you obsess over cleanliness? Are you the other extreme, caring nothing about cleanliness? Tonight's lesson was increbible!! Beth Moore taked about obsession and neglect; neither extreme is healthy. You need to have balance and moderation. A proper respect. In regards to the above subject what is a good balance? I believe in hand washing, cleaning your home, and changing your underwear. That is a good balance for me.
Who wants to go play in the dirt?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Child of the 21st Century
"If I win I will have immunity." DS nearing 5.
I don't think I knew the word immunity until high school.
I don't think I knew the word immunity until high school.
Monday, April 10, 2006
I have had a revelation since the last post on self-control. I mentioned that areas of weakness for me are housework, computer time and food. My revelation is this: they are intertwined. When I abuse my time on the computer it DOES affect other areas of my life, perhaps all areas of my life. I realized that over the last couple of months I have been "escaping" so to speak to the computer. Sometimes I escape so I don't have to deal with whining. Sometimes I crave adult intellect. Other times I want to be validated that I am not alone. In doing so I often neglect the very things I am home to care for. My children, the housework, cooking healthy, ect. I realized that the kids would take advantage of my distraction and get into things they should not be eating or doing. Their diets were getting out of whack as they had spent much of the day snacking on junk. Not good. Diets of junk affect behavior. Not good. Time on the computer means less time keeping things in order. Messy house, not good.
So what am I going to do about it?
Do I give up the computer altogether? No I don't believe that I do. I know God is doing awesome things and that this blog is part of His plan. I believe I need to strike a balance. Being aware of my time spent. More importantly my MOTIVE behind the time spent. Am I escaping? Or I am being obedient? Is it frivilous or bearing fruit? My hope is that I have time when the kids are sleeping or occupied in a healthy way. I see how God is working in me. It is work, yet I am excited about it. For I know it is necessary and good.
1 Corinthians 6:12
12"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.
So what am I going to do about it?
Do I give up the computer altogether? No I don't believe that I do. I know God is doing awesome things and that this blog is part of His plan. I believe I need to strike a balance. Being aware of my time spent. More importantly my MOTIVE behind the time spent. Am I escaping? Or I am being obedient? Is it frivilous or bearing fruit? My hope is that I have time when the kids are sleeping or occupied in a healthy way. I see how God is working in me. It is work, yet I am excited about it. For I know it is necessary and good.
1 Corinthians 6:12
12"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
What You Doing?
Little girl likes to shadow her daddy around. Tonight he was scrounging around for change to go up to the store. He tossed my jeans aside and heard some jingling. DD asked "What you doing? Looking for change?" Daddy gave her a smirk as he slipped his hand into the jeans. Then she added in a high pitch accusing voice "In MOMMIES pocket?"
Busted! By a two year old...I love it. And thanks sweety for looking out.
Busted! By a two year old...I love it. And thanks sweety for looking out.
Life Takes Time
After a battle with little girl my son looked at me and said "Life takes time, right mom." His manner was gentle, his face sincere. I replied "Yes it does. That was a wise thing to say. Where did you hear that from?" His reply, he pointed to the sky. "Did the Holy Spirit speak that to you?" A sweet smile and a nod.
Life does take time. There are things that I want to happen RIGHT NOW. I want to have everything in order. I want to get through this tough stuff of learning to have self-control. Balancing my day. I want my kids to be..well perfect...right now. Yet he who has begun a good work in each of us is faithful to complete it. In his time.
Philippians 1:6
6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Life does take time. There are things that I want to happen RIGHT NOW. I want to have everything in order. I want to get through this tough stuff of learning to have self-control. Balancing my day. I want my kids to be..well perfect...right now. Yet he who has begun a good work in each of us is faithful to complete it. In his time.
Philippians 1:6
6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Number Puzzles

We have these puzzles seen above. One piece is the number. The next is a picture representing the number. The last piece is the number word. DS has no problem putting together the first two pieces. If I am right there when he is putting them together I will spell the word as he finds it. Today I had the idea to give him the word flashcards. On one side is the number and picture. The other side has the word. It worked great. He matched the word then flipped it over to see what number the word belonged to.
Friday, April 07, 2006
I need help!
Over the last couple of months/years we have resorted heavily to prepackaged crackers and snacks. Look at my pile of post consumer cardboard and you will now what I mean. Yesterday when I went to watch my friends kids for a few hours I was amazed at how organized her schedule was. The dad had prepared all the snacks for the day in advance. Cheerios and raisins in baggies. So it got me thinking...things need to be revised in the snack and meals department. This morning I have made some changes. I locked up the pantry. Yes I really did. I put the key on my hip and call myself guardian of the key. One stern reprimand let the little people know I meant business. For snack we had little cups of trail mix with honey nut O's.
So lurkers and friends, please let me know what you do for snacks. What are your kids favorite's? How do you prepare and/or package them? Educate me PLEASE!
I need help!
Over the last couple of months/years we have resorted heavily to prepackaged crackers and snacks. Look at my pile of post consumer cardboard and you will now what I mean. Yesterday when I went to watch my friends kids for a few hours I was amazed at how organized her schedule was. The dad had prepared all the snacks for the day in advance. Cheerios and raisins in baggies. So it got me thinking...things need to be revised in the snack and meals department. This morning I have made some changes. I locked up the pantry. Yes I really did. I put the key on my hip and call myself guardian of the key. One stern reprimand let the little people know I meant business. For snack we had little cups of trail mix with honey nut O's.
So lurkers and friends, please let me know what you do for snacks. What are your kids favorite's? How do you prepare and/or package them? Educate me PLEASE!
In this season I sense a coming to order. Balance. Please pray that I would be obedient to the Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father I come before you Lord. I sense you Spirit working within. I pray that you would help me to be obedient to that which you are calling me to. Lord, the work is not always glorious. Give me a desire to meet the needs of my family and home. Help me in finding balance each day. Lord I give to you our schooling, our play, the housework, computer and tv time, our eating, our down time, discipline, my coming in and my going out. Lord give me your wisdom and understanding in these things, Help me to make wise choices as I lead my kids through these early years. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, guide and direct. Let good fruit be produced and enjoyed. Thank you for this season in my life. Thank you for refining. All glory be unto you. In Jesus name. Amen
Heavenly Father I come before you Lord. I sense you Spirit working within. I pray that you would help me to be obedient to that which you are calling me to. Lord, the work is not always glorious. Give me a desire to meet the needs of my family and home. Help me in finding balance each day. Lord I give to you our schooling, our play, the housework, computer and tv time, our eating, our down time, discipline, my coming in and my going out. Lord give me your wisdom and understanding in these things, Help me to make wise choices as I lead my kids through these early years. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, guide and direct. Let good fruit be produced and enjoyed. Thank you for this season in my life. Thank you for refining. All glory be unto you. In Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Self Control
This week in Living Beyond Yourself we are finishing up the last fruit of the spirit. Self Control. Self control...hmm. Overall, I view myself as one who exhibits self control. Overall. Yet under the surface there brews the lack of self control. My weaknesses? House cleaning, balance of computer time and food. The last one is a new revelation. I have always had a great metabolism. I never put much thought toward food. If I want it, I eat it. Lately I am realizing that I don't need 4 cupcakes. Nor 10 chocolate eclaires. Yet there are days that I do. If I like it, I will eat it. I grew up with the expectation to "clean my plate." This mentality has not helped me. At restaurants I truly feel that I NEED to finish all my food. I struggle with putting the fork down if there is anything left on the plate. With American portions in restaurants it is unrealistic to expect yourself or your kids to finish all their food. Yet I do expect myself to eat it all. I heard once to ask for a to go box at the beginning of the meal. In doing so you can place half the meal in the box; saving it for later. This helps limit the portion to a more realistic meal. Do I do it? I have once or twice and it did help. Why don't I do it more often? I think I receive the meal thinking I will eat until I am full then stop. I get 3/4 through the plate, realize I am full then think there is ONLY a little bit left, just finish it. So I do.
I am excited about this week's lesson. I pray it will shed some light on overcoming these struggles. The first step is realizing what is an issue. The second step is sharing it with another. (I guess I just shared with a whole lot of others.) Accept the accountabilty. Then begin the work and allow God to teach and guide me in these areas. Give it to God and give it to him again. I shall overcome.
2 verses I will be memorizing as a result of this study:
Proverbs 25:28 Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.
Isaiah 58:12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls; Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
I am excited about this week's lesson. I pray it will shed some light on overcoming these struggles. The first step is realizing what is an issue. The second step is sharing it with another. (I guess I just shared with a whole lot of others.) Accept the accountabilty. Then begin the work and allow God to teach and guide me in these areas. Give it to God and give it to him again. I shall overcome.
2 verses I will be memorizing as a result of this study:
Proverbs 25:28 Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.
Isaiah 58:12 Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls; Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Testing YouTube
This is a video of DS age 4 swimming the length of the hotel pool.
Update: On a learning curve here. It appears that to share on a website the video needs to be listed as public. I had the video listed as private which excluded you the viewers from viewing. So now it should work for you. Please try again.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Trying Something New
So today at naptime (ha) my children WOULD NOT sleep. Yes I know I yelled that. Did you hear me they would not sleep. At all! I really like nap time. I need nap time. Selfish? Maybe. It has become increasingly difficult to get them to stay in their room for nap let alone sleep. Sure somedays they do. But lately it has been more and more of a struggle. DS nearing 5 probably doesn't really need one. DD almost 2 1/2 isn't ready to ditch it completely or is she? If the 5 year old is up she wants to be up. With that said I am going to try something new. Who knows if it will work. I need to do something though. The plan? Instead of nap time I am going to have quiet time. They will be required to stay in their OWN rooms. They will be asked to be quiet. I will recommend books, puzzles, quiet play, ect. They can stay up if they like, they can sleep. For the amount of time that I specify. The goal is that we each have some down time to ourselves.
Since today was for only a half hour and it failed miserably...we will see how long this lasts.
Since today was for only a half hour and it failed miserably...we will see how long this lasts.
Peregrine Falcons

Perched on a ledge of the 41st floor of the Rhodes State Office Tower in Ohio is a Falcon nest. Currently occupying the nest are a pair of Peregrine Falcons and 4 eggs. Live feed camaras capture all activity during daylight hours; updating every 30 seconds. On the site there is a wealth of information about falcons. This has become one of our new favorite sites. We check it many times throughout the day. The eggs were laid in March and will hatch on approxiamately April 27th. Our family will be there to watch the action. Well actually we will be here in our house watching via live feeds. I love nature and I love learning!
Thanks Chalice for the link.
Note: The picture above is Victory shortly after she finished laying her eggs. This picture and others can be found on the above site.
Update: Both the female(Victory) and the male(Orville) will sit on the eggs to incubate them. I just learned that Victory has white between her eyes as Orville does not. So now you may be able to tell if it is mom or dad on egg watch.
Monday, April 03, 2006

We received a package in the mail today from my dear friend Bridget. A complete Kindergarten cirriculum. WooHoo! Shown above it includes Mathmatics in Action, Reading Work Pages, Poems and Prose, Science In Your World, Science and Math Activity Pages, Sounds and Letters, Rainbows Reading program and 20 Phonics Storybooks. A true gift. I thank you and praise God. As an added bonus she threw in a kakuro book and a Sneak Peak DVD. I love my friends!
Memory Verse: Joshua
Joshua 1:8-9
8Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do nor be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
This verse will be my memory verse for the week.
8Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do nor be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
This verse will be my memory verse for the week.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Automatic Clocks
We have two clocks in our home that our linked with satelite so they automatically change with time change. Awesome. I probably would have completely forgotten. The hallway said 6:30...sigh the kids woke up early. (For DD's result see comments on post WooHoo.) Then I round the corner to the living room 7:30. Oh yeah...time change. So how is it that they were suppose to sleep in until 8 or 9 new time and they both woke up early. Tell is that?
Saturday, April 01, 2006
So Funny
Tonight we came across an ad. We clicked on it. You type in the text and the computer speaks it for you. My husband was being hysterical in the things he was having it say. My little two year old was asking "why does that little boy know my name?" DH was very interactive with it and the kids kept asking "Do it it again!" It was SO FUNNY.
Give it a try. Click link, then click on try now. Be creative, the more bizarre the funnier it is. Believe me it is funny.
Give it a try. Click link, then click on try now. Be creative, the more bizarre the funnier it is. Believe me it is funny.
Today my little girl went the whole day with dry underwear! WooHoo!
Now it is bed time and she insists on not wearing a diaper to bed. So who am I to stop her. We will never know if she can do it unless she tries. So here goes...
Note: I just bought a case of diapers (92 value pack) at the store today. Thinking we would be needing them at night for awhile. Oh pickles. Tomorrow morning will tell if they are or are not needed.
Now it is bed time and she insists on not wearing a diaper to bed. So who am I to stop her. We will never know if she can do it unless she tries. So here goes...
Note: I just bought a case of diapers (92 value pack) at the store today. Thinking we would be needing them at night for awhile. Oh pickles. Tomorrow morning will tell if they are or are not needed.
Scripture Memory Review
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness , and all these things will be given to you as well.
Roman 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Phillipians 4:6-7 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Joshua 1:8-98Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do nor be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness , and all these things will be given to you as well.
Roman 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Phillipians 4:6-7 6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Joshua 1:8-98Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do nor be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
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