Thursday, May 25, 2006


I am reading an excellent book called You May All Prophesy by Steve Thompson. I got in from Amazon; if you go to the used and new section you can get some really good deals.
Anyway, the book is well written and very informative. As a believer God speaks to us. Many feel that God does not speak to them, or that they are not sure if what they think or feel is from God or their own thoughts. Have you ever had a sense that you should call someone? Only to have them call you. Have you ever felt like you should pray for someone; uncertain why? Only to find out they were in a situation and needed prayer. Coincidence...I think NOT! God has a way of speaking to us. Sometimes he speaks to us a specific word to share with another to encourage them.
1 Corinthians 14:3
3But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort.
He can use us to speak His words. He may have you share something that you could not possibly know on your own. Yet it may be exactly what that person needs to hear. An answer to prayer or encouragement.

Those wanting to know more...ask. And I highly recommend the book. Highly!

1 comment:

Overwhelmed! said...

I'm a firm believer that God has a way of speaking to us!

I might have to check out this book. Thanks for the recommendation!

And thanks for your kind comments on my post today.