Friday, March 09, 2007

Attention Homeschoolers

It is time for open enrollment of the Pizza Hut Book It program!
If you are homeschooling children grades K-5 you are eligible to participate in the program.

It is wonderful! Something about free pizza motivates my son.

You can enroll by submitting your request online, here. Or call 1-800-426-6548 (9-4CT)

Enrollment is limited and only open through June 8th, so don't wait.


Say Anything said...

I love this book it program. Our son is in public school here in PA and those free pizza coupons have been a great incentive to read - and a good reminder for us to read to him. We just went to Pizza Hut last night and cashed in 3 coupons - it cost us $15 to feed our family of 5 for dinner. Pizza Hut Rocks! So glad to see an organization encouraging kids in education!

Mindy Richmond said...

I used to love that Book It program when I was a kid. I just wish they had the same program for adults. Pizza would still be a sure way to motivate me to read!

Overwhelmed! said...

So, do you think Pizza Hut has some type of reading reward for parents? I'm very motivated by offers of free pizza too! :)