Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Today In the Word

90 days through the bible will be more like 180 days through the bible. It seems that I can easily do half day readings. Nevertheless, I am making my way through. Still plugging away. And very thankful for my friend that is joining me on the journey. Today I found myself in 2 Chronicles, history of kings, those that followed the ways of the Lord and those who turned Isreal away and did destestable things. Interesting. I especialy like seeing the conditions of the kings heart and how it affected their kingdom and reign. I found a very cool verse in chapter 30, before I share it I want to give a little history.
Hezekiah came into office after a Ahaz who did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord, he offered sacrifices to idols, he sacrificed his sons, he did things God told them no to do. So he was defeated when the Lord handed him over to his enemies. Enter Hezekiah. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He ordered the priest to clean up the temple. They consecrated it, removing all that was evil and detestable, purified it and themselves. Then King Hezekiah called the people and made the proper sacrifices. The people worshipped with songs and music. On their knees, bowed before the Lord, dedicating themselves to the Lord. Then there was great celebrating and the Feast were recognized. As they had not since the days of David and Solomon. The king and his officials sent out letters to their brothers Ephraim and Manasseh, calling them back to the Lord.
And here is the verse I love.
2 Chronicles 30:12 Also in Judah the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the LORD.
The phrase unity of mind. The king had just purified things and made it right before God and then the hand of God was on the people and gave them unity of mind. I think this is cool. It made me think; what if our nation purified itself, lead by our leaders? What if our nation turned back to God? Would the hand of the Lord be with us? Would he give us unity of mind? Let it be so!


Anonymous said...

What a great post! Thanks for sharing your journey. And who cares how long it takes as long as you do it right?!

Kellie said...

(This comment is intended for this and the last post)

I needed this today. Thank you. I have been so invloved in my own issues that I have been whining about them and not even desiring to be with my GOD. You have helped me here to remember why I am on this planet. As well as kicked my butt to, where ever I am, to be in the Word. Personal relationship, Right? Love you dear.