So let's play a little game, shall we?
1 Where did Sarah meet her husband?
A. Church
B. School
C. A Niteclub
D. A Football Game
2. How old was Sarah when she got married?
A. 20
B. 22
C. 23
D. 25
3. What was the first thing DH said to me?
A. Who did you say you where?
B. How about those Spartans?
C. I don't think we have met.
D. Do you want to be my Foosball partner?
4. Our first date was:
A An all nighter
B At a baseball stadium
C Talking at Denny's
D All of the above
5. He asked me to be his girlfriend:
A. On a canoeing trip
B. While playing Putt- Putt
C. In the middle of a sermon
D. He didn't I asked him
6. He asked me to be his wife:
A. In the church parking lot
B. At the beach
C. On the big screen of the baseball stadium
D. At the close of our rafting trip
7. Our engagement lasted:
A. 5 months
B. 8 months
C. 12 months
D. 18 months
8. What one thing drove my mother crazy about my wedding plans?
A. The size of the wedding
B. Barefoot bride
C. That she could not be there
D. The menu
9. At our reception:
A. People fed the goldfish
B. People made us a mosiac
C. Some had a little too much too drink
D. My hubby threw up
10. We honeymooned:
A. In my grandparents cabin
B. In the mountains of Colorado
C. On an island in Florida
D. Traverse City
How did you do?
Find out tomorrow...hee hee

We had a great support system then and we still do today.
Love you honey, Happy Anniversary!
Congrats guys!! Can't believe it's been 9 years since I ferried you two around that day in that itty-bitty purple Cavalier....
Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had a beautiful wedding.
happy anniversary!!
Congratulations on you anniversary! I have one coming up myself...love those fall weddings!
Wow, I think I only know 3 or 4 of those questions. What a blast from the past those pictures are. And that last group shot... so many familiar faces! Can't believe how much we've changed in just 9 years.
Thanks for the nostalgia trip!
I really enjoyed your photos..what a beautiful bride!!! Happy Anniversary...can't wait to see the answers :). Thanks for coming by today!!!
congrats! can't wait to find out the answers!!!!!1
Congratulations! Yeah! You guys looked so YOUNG! :)
I'm happy for you, S. Happy 9th anniversary, and many happy returns of the day.
You were a beautiful bride, and you're still lovely. :-)
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