The following are highlights of the trip.

The wallabies are free roaming. This guy came right up to us.

"All aboard the choo choo train."- DD

Yellow shirt right is our friend that came with us.

DS grooming the goat.

DS feeding a budgie. This yellow one landed right on his stick.

Imagine a jello jiggler. That is what the back of a sting ray feels like.

The bears. One was pacing back and forth looking at all the people and my boy says to me, "He is choosing who to eat."

I think this is my favorite picture of the day. She stood there for several minutes looking up at them.

We saw the penguins right at feeding time. They were very active swooping and waddling.

Hope you enjoyed them.
My daughter loves penguins. Everytime we go to the zoo we try to do it at feeding time for them.
Could DS comment about the bear be from our wilderness camping stories? LOL Great pictures-looks like you had a great day! Mom
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