Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fire Alarms

My sister-in-law sent me a download on a Hank Investigates. I watched it and was astounded.
Go to this link and if you are able WATCH THE VIDEO. The article that is there is the whole script from the video but I HIGHLY recommend you watch the video. Go now. Then read on.

So we decided to test it out on our kids. 11 pm sound asleep. With the dog outside we blasted the alarm. No movement not an inch. No turning of the head. Nothing. Absolutely no response.

How about your family? Test it out and let me know your results.

Updated: DS fell asleep in our room last night. So after I posted I needed to move him from our room to his. I stood at the foot of the bed and in a loud clear voice said "Son, it's Mom. You need to get up." He immediately moved his head. Then I repeated "Son, It's Mom, I need you to get up." He opened his eyes. Then I repeated again. "Son, It's Mom, I need you to get up." And he sat up. Then moved to the edge of the bed. Then I asked him to walk to his room. Which he did. If that did not confirm their theory.

My dad found this link, which is a fact sheet.
And I found the product on Amazon. Kid Smart Vocal Alarm
Also now available at select Home Depot stores.
The best deals seem to be on ebay.
I just bought a pack of 8 for $30 plus $20 shipping.

Spread the may save a life!


Anonymous said...

Wow. VERY disturbing. I had no idea kids could react so indifferently to the shrill tone. This needs to be much more publisized. Glad to see you passing it on.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS "S"...I can't believe that...and that your own kids did that too. I do have to say I am not going to test this seeing as my one year old couldn't get out alone anyway, but I will keep it in my mind and be investing in a voice smoke alarm someday soon hopefully!!!

mommyofangels said...

WOW.... that's crazy... I will definately invest in a voice alarm.