Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I am truly disappointed in my son. Today there was an action...which I will not go into details. I don't want to embarrass or hold onto the wrong. I called DH and together we determined the consequence. Which I feel matched the offense very well. In completing his consequence, truths came out. It saddens me that he was not truthful before when specifically asked about things. Teachable moments!
Truth is big to me. You speak the truth in ALL things. Get it out in the beginning so it doesn't turn into anything bigger. This is not new to my kids. We have chosen not to do traditional things, so that we can honestly say we have spoken the truth to them in all things. They know the truth. I guess I am proud of him for coming clean. The truth shall set you free. Now I need to let it go, not guilt and shame and let him be free.

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