This is my life as I live it. While life is indeed personal and unique I believe it is meant to be shared. Feel free to look around; please comment. Enjoy and God bless! Note: DH-Dear Hubby, DS-Dear Son DD-Dear Daughter
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
This weekend I watched this movie at the hotel. The room was actually cheaper to go with the movie package (???) so Friday night with DD sound asleep DS and I set out to watch a movie. There was MANY to choose from. In the end it was between Fever Pitch and Dreamer. I had wanted to see Fever Pitch(PG-13) with Drew Berrymore when it was in the theater. But it is rare I actually make it to the theater. I ended up choosing Dreamer; it looked kid friendly and was rated PG. It was such a delightful and refreshing movie. Ben Crane (Kurt Russel) and Cale Crane (Dakota Penning) are a father and daughter who live on an empty horse ranch. That is until they take in an injured horse. It is a story of family, faith and responsibility. The filming is breathtaking, rich characters and great morals. I most definately give it my recommendation.
Upon going to their site I was further impressed. They intentionally made this a family friendly film. There are activities to do as a family. Small group discussions with scripture and biblically sound material. Way to go DreamWorks! It is not that often that a movie with such quality and values come together. It does the heart good to see something like this come out of Hollywood.
So if you haven't already seen it, go rent it. Your in for a treat.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
- Meeting Elijah
- Dinner out with Chalice
- Swimming at the hotel
- Cleveland Zoo
- Blessing and being blessed
Thanks to Mindy who turned me on to PhotoShow! Here is a PhotoShow of our trip to the Cleveland Zoo. Enjoy
Thursday, January 26, 2006
To Be A Blessing
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Teaching Mr. Pig
If he shows up today....I may just let him stick around.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Truth is big to me. You speak the truth in ALL things. Get it out in the beginning so it doesn't turn into anything bigger. This is not new to my kids. We have chosen not to do traditional things, so that we can honestly say we have spoken the truth to them in all things. They know the truth. I guess I am proud of him for coming clean. The truth shall set you free. Now I need to let it go, not guilt and shame and let him be free.
Dozen- An Egg Game
The first time I played I got 30...current high score 420. DS loves playing this game and his current high is 200. Are you going to be beat by a four year old? Enjoy.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Incredible Pictures
Rocks of Rememberance
The service included some incredible testimonies of God's faithfulness and His peace. One family had been through a head on car collision and walked away, God had protected them. Another had their home destroyed by fire but God saved them, that night they were all out of the home, instead of in the rooms that were destroyed. They talked about there experiences very openly, the strengths and weaknesses they felt. I cried!
Pastor Brad encouraged us to all think of how God has moved in our lives. Wether it be 10 years ago, last year, last week or yesterday...God has moved! And to not let those things he has done be forgotten. The congregation wrote on post-it notes some of those things he has done and attatched them to a memorial in the atrium. There were some incredibly awesome things posted. Marriages healed, lives saved, God's provision...on and on thousands of yellow post-its testifying to God's goodness.
As a part of a bible study last year we were asked to do a timeline of our lives. Highlighting milestones and remembering what God has done. I think it is time to bring that out....and remember.
Thursday, January 19, 2006

DD's noggin is doing well. She still touches it and says "ow-ey"

DS's eye is doing great. We removed the adhesive strips last night. Suprisingly there was hardly any bruising. I had expected a huge shiner but really there is only slight discoloration under his eye. He says he hates our church and that platform thingy. So pray for him, that fear does not become an issue. That he can work through his feelings of what happened.

Kasi and the cats are working out ranks. One cat is completely fine with her and will even eat with her. The other does not like the intrusion and is set out to prove who owns the house in the animal realm. It is rather comical at times. Kasi wanting to pursue the cat and just play. And the cat sitting on her throne planning on how to antanganize the dog. I think overall they are handling things well. In the above picture notice how good Kasi is just sitting there.

At times DD is intimidated by Kasi. In this moment she is happy about her puppy. DD is usually nervous around dogs at first because they get excited and jump up on her. We are working with her to tell the dog down and no. Using her words and not to be afraid. For the record she does like the dog.

Kasi is adjusting great! Going to church Sunday was the first time she was completely alone (in her crate.) That was a blessing. As of Sunday night she is no longer whimpering and crying when she is put in her crate. Potty training is for the most part successful. She prefers snow over rain. I am learning her cues therefore things are always improving. Puppies chew, so I am still having to be watchful of this. She is a retreiver so she likes to steal socks, shoes, toys...yesterday her sock count was 9 I believe. She is very gentle and fun. Loves to cuddle. We are having fun with her.
Now your up to date...if there is anything I missed...ask!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Child Abuse
Last night DD got a goose egg when she was bumped into a chair by her cousin who was running enthusiaticaly around her. It was so sad. It was instantly swollen and she wobbled over to me and passed out. I have never seen my children do anything like this and it was very freaky. I put frozen green beans on her bump and cuddled with her. I checked her eyes and they were dialating fine. After observing all night she is fine. She tells you I bumped my head..with a pouty lip. My kids and their noggins! It was sort of intimidating going shopping with them all banged up. You never know how other people will react. No one was suspecting or rude but you just never know. It made me thankful there were witnesses to both of the incidences that occured. It made me sick to think that someone may think I had hurt them. And even sicker to think others DO intentionally hurt children.
I guess I shall close with possible signs of child abuse.
- Hostile and aggresive behavior
- Fearfulness toward parent or adults
- Destructive towards self or others
- Burns, facial injuries, patterns of repetitious bruises
- Unexplainable fractures or bruises inappropriate for child's development
They did explain that young children often have bruising on head, arms and legs normal to development. And to look for bruises of different coloring or stages of healing.
Other signs include:
- Depression or withdrawl
- Severe lack of self-esteem
- Failure to Thrive
- Speech or eating disorders
- Inappropriate dress for climate
- Begs or steals food; hides food
- Untreated Medical conditions
- Poor hygeine
- Unusually advanced sexual knowledge
- Promiscuous behavior
- Runs away from home and refuses to return
- Frequent headaches, stomach aches, fatigue
- Fear of the dark
- Nightmares
Obviously children may exhibit some of these symptoms and not have been abused or neglected. But if you feel that a child in your presence, care or circle of influence is being abused notify the proper authorities. Abuse must be stopped!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Transition Fatigue?
If so I am experiencing it! It seems that I am exhausted and after many hours of dilegent watching I mentally am checking out. Kasi is very well behaved and her bahaviors are typical puppy, so it is not her so to speak. I think it is the change from my normal routine. Added responsibilty perhaps. Is this normal?
Job' Friends
Now here is the part I want you to take notice of: Three of Job's friends come to comfort him. When they see him they began to weep and mourn. "Then they sat on the ground with him for SEVEN DAYS and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was."(2:13) When Job did speak it was words of despair but not cursing.
Where are you? Are you in moments of peace or turmoil? Are you in the midst of a storm, that you are finding hard to stand up in? Take comfort my friend. The Lord your God is with you wherever you go! He is with you in times of joy and in sorrow. He has also placed people in your lives that can be with you in your hard times; your darkest hours. Now your friends may not always offer the best advice...just as Job's friends. My prayer is that each of you would be drawn back to the Lord. That you would be able to Praise his name in all things. Draw near to Him. For true peace can come only from Him.
Remember your not alone....I am here if you need me.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Todays Verse
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Joy and Sorrow
Today at church we had trauma. DS was running down the hallway and tried to go around two ladies; hitting full force into a sign-in sheet platform. He hit it so hard it ripped off the wall. He has a gash under his right eye. We checked it out atUrgent Care and fixed it up with strips to keep the wound closed. He was a trooper, hesitant but overall co-operative. There is a strong possability he will have a scar. Doh
On a happier note: Kasi is doing very well. We are pleased with her temperment; calm and loving. Potty-training is going great! She does miss her mama, at night she cries for her. I have been laying down next to her crate, turning on the sound machine to heartbeat and gently saying her name when she whimpers. Once asleep she sleeps through the night. A plus for us. I know she is going to be a great fit for our family bringing us much joy in the years to come.
Friday, January 13, 2006
A New Addition
Today we are getting a puppy. DS has been wanting a dog for a long time now. If you ask him what kind of a dog he wants his answer is without a doubt a black Lab. This fall we went down to the river and met an awesome black labrador retriever. She was the most obedient dog I had ever seen, and it was there that it was set in a little boys mind that one day a dog like that would be his.
We have talked on and off about getting a dog. Well today is the day. It is one of those deals where you know God has a hand in it. In His perfect time. The puppy is four months old. A black Lab mix. FREE. Friendly. Currently in a home with two young children. We have the extra money to spend getting things set-up. We had a conversation at the beginning of the week with my brother-in-law who out of nowhere asked about DS getting a dog. lol
You want to talk about smiling eyes. DS was beaming when he heard the news. God is good.
So now it is off to the store to get the necessary supplies. I will post pictures of our newest addition as soon as I can.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Sleeping In
Something cool... yesterday as I lie there half asleep, he gave me the beginning of the Faith talk I mentioned. I got up before DD and got it on paper before the kids were up. So a third of the talk is done and I have an idea of where it is going.
Please pray for me that I would be obedient in both my time with Him and in writing this talk.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
The Walk

DS chose his scooter.

DD the fire truck. Her legs are just right for a good two leg scoot.

Also, pushing at full speed.

I let them go in the road; around some construction.
Face it, no traffic, everyone is at work.

See the sun really is shining! Shadows!
Monday, January 09, 2006
Ladies Only
This Saturday January 14th at 7pm will be ladies game night at my house. woohoo. Time to be with other women, play games, enjoy food, get away from your kids...sounds like fun to me. Call for more info.
Heather: Josiah is most welcomed, I know the ladies want to meet him.
Faith Talk
Saturday, January 07, 2006
What Is One To Do?
Friday, January 06, 2006
Proverbs 6
When I first accepted Christ 10 years ago this was one of the first verses I actually memorized. I had a hard time waking up in the morning. This verse would come to mind and I would have motivation to rise. Who wants poverty? The reason I wanted to get up was to spend time with God. Time without Him creates a poor spirit. Time with Him is relationship, full of God's riches.
At other times this verse has meant working hard to provide for your family. A warning to not be lazy or idle.
And today: I was reading the whole chapter (Proverbs 6) and it came to me in a new light. I have mentioned a few times the phrase going gazelle. It's a Dave Ramsey term for getting serious about your money. It comes from verse 5. "Free yourself, like a gazelle from the hand of a hunter, like a bird from the snare of the fowler." You see, gazelle's when they are in danger, they take notice and they run.....FAST. They out run their predator. With stradegy they dart left and right. So when I say going gazelle it means we have a plan, to be intense about what we are doing with our money. (6:1-5) Pay off any debts or pledges we have made. (6:6-8) "Store up provisions" aka create a savings. (6:9-11) Do it now, don't wait, don't be lazy about it...or poverty will come.
God has used this verse in my life many times with different understandings. All bearing good fruit in my life. God's Word living and active???
Thursday, January 05, 2006
His Eye Is On the Sparrow
I left church longing to hear that song. I turned on the radio hoping to hear it...but it wasn't on. I have seen Selah in concert 3 times. And I recalled them singing the great hymn. I hummed the refrain over and over. When I saw it in the bookstore it was balm for the soul. The whole CD is incredible. Definately recommend it! I can't wait until they are back in town so I can go see them again.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Time Capsule
Sudoku play online (gives you statistics, shows average solve times) or print has nonomino sudoku puzzles which are 9 groups of 9 cells in irregular shapes. My new fav. boldts also has nearly a million regular sudoku puzzles as well. Must print.
I have included these links on the side of the blog for easy access.
So what are you waiting for...go engage your brain. Make and keep neural connections. Prevent Alzheimer's Disease. Or simply satisfy your addiction.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Gotta Love Cosby
Sunday, January 01, 2006
New Every Morning
22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
It's a new year, a new day; a fresh start for many. A new beginning. The day they will stop smoking, improve their diets, exercise. This year you may vow to make more time for family and friends, draw near to God, read the Word or be disciplined in prayer. Let me encourage you. His great love and compassion never fail they are new every morning. You need not wait until January 1st of 2007 if you fall short. For every morning when you awaken his love and mercy are there. Cheering you on. He sent His Holy Spirit to those who believe. He shall guide you, teach you and help if you ask him to.
John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
Praise be to God! For those who believe you are a new creation. You were made new on the day you professed your faith. Don't wait to start acting that out. Allow God to change you from the inside out. For if you do... 2006 will be a year you will never forget nor regret. Be blessed!
Note: The following is an addition to the original post
As I went to check my email this morning I found this. A New Beginning a coincidence? I think not! The Holy Spirit directed me to place it link here. Enjoy!