Friday, August 08, 2014

#29 Beef Fajita Burgers with Seared Peppers and Onions

 This originally called for making both beef and chicken fajita burgers for the same meal but let's be realistic, the kids and I do not eat THAT MUCH. Since we like beef better than chicken we made a decision and ditched the chicken burger. Tomorrow is a kind of chicken burger so I don't feel bad.
 The burger master did her thing with the beef while I cut up and seared the peppers and onions.
We went with toasted Schar GF Ciabatta Rolls for the the bun. They were an excellent choice,
Served with a side of Kettle Sweet Onion chips and a dill pickle, this one was a home run.

Tonight I will be taking my first ever trip to Ikea. Canton here we come!

I REALLY like this one. It was delicious.
-The Burger Master

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