Thursday, December 14, 2006

What Would You Do If...

you were a Super Hero?
you were invisible?
you found $20 at the store?
your baby threw-up on your new shirt?

You could end up finding $20 at a store and taking off your shirt and walking around top-less!

What would you do if you found yourself in a room with 6 of the best ladies in the world? I would laugh so hard I would cry.

A few years back I joined a Wednesday night bible study. I was placed with 6 other woman. From the outside we could not be MORE different, even our interests and life styles vary drastically. But I could not love these woman anymore than I do. I truly believe when you do life with someone, no matter the external circumstances, a love grows. A beautiful love that lasts throughout the years. This past year we all went in different directions for Wednesday nights. We longer met together weekly for bible study. We have kept in contact over email. But as far as seeing each other it has been very limited. Until last night. All seven of us were able to get together for a night of great food and fun. We each brought something to contribute so we had an awesome Mexican spread. And we all brought our personalities so we had more than enough fun. We played one truth, Apples to Apples and What would you do and I kid you not we laughed ourselves speechless. To tears and beyond.

Thank you ladies for blessing my life. I love you all!

Alright readers, commenter's and lurkers, for kicks, PLEASE ask a what if question and answer the one above yours.

So my first responder answer me this...
What would you do if...your computer said password denied?
Answer then ask a question of your own beginning with What would you do if...


Anonymous said...

I would make a call.

What would you do woke up this morning and it was 80 degrees outside?

Anonymous said...

I would pull out my flip flops and wear them to work!

What would you do had a whole gallon of ice cream all to yourself but it was your least favorite flavor?

I had a lot of fun last night was so nice to be able to catch up with everyone! Hope your family enjoyed the cookies :o)

Anonymous said...

I would not eat the ice cream.

What would you do thought your OB was a female and a male walked through the door?

(Sorry I'm pregnant, OB stuff is on my mind)

KelseyChristine said...

I would pretend to get a call on my cell phone and then claim I had to leave because of an emergency (technically having a male OB would qualify as an emergency)! Although knowing my luck someone would really call while I "on the phone" and blow my cover!!

What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?

momteacherfriend said...

I would go to the home of someone I think has it all together and secretly observe their day.

What would you do if...your in-laws moved next door?

learner said...

I would jump for would mean I got married!!

What would you do if a cookie recipe called for an ingredient you didnt have and couldnt buy?