God is doing a work. He is transforming my heart and mind. Last week I was ready to give up on her, done as I put it. But the Lord got ahold of me. In the prayer closet. He asked if he had given up on me. And the answer to that is no. He showed me that her heart is good, she is not a malicious dog; she is an untrained dog. And as an untrained dog she could be trained. He showed me how he loves me and never gives up; even though I still need much training. He is patient, loving and kind. So am I to be patient, loving and kind to this dog.
Stan Johnson has stated"If you have family problems, your solution is in the prayer closet. If you have personality problems or sin problems, your solution is in the prayer closet. The answer to whatever you need is in the prayer closet." You know what? It is true! I took that dog to the prayer closet. And God spoke clear direction on what I am to do. Some specific do not do's. And praise the Lord this dog is responding!
She still has a long way to go. She has come a long way. And she is staying in our home. Work it may be, but it is worth it.

YAY!!! :)
She looks like my Cooper...
Endeavor to persevere
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