You could call me a barefoot child. I got married bare foot. Oh yes I did. I love the feeling of grass between my toes. I love freedom and shoes seem so ...restrictive. Unfortuantely, it is of utmost importance to my husband, for our kids to wear shoes when they are outside. So I must lead my example..sigh..and wear shoes myself. Enter flip flops. Sweet Hallelujah!!Wherever I go, they go. Slip on, kick off. I love it!

They are worn perfectly to my fitting. Comfy Cozy.

The other night after I kicked off the flip flops, I was amazed at how filthy my feet were. They were caked with filthy. I went about washing them, scrubbing them. Scrub a dub dub. You know what? They still look dirty. No matter how hard I scrub. Filthy flip flop feet.
I got thinking about Christ. He walked everywhere! He wore thong like sandals probably similar to flip flops. Imagine how dirty his feet must have been. And those of the disciples. I bet they had a serious case of filthy flip flop feet. The more I thought about it, the more it drew me to scriptures. Washing feet is mentioned 20 times in the bible. Interesting. The scripture I love the most on this subject is when Jesus washed the disciples feet. With a basin of water and a towel on his hip, he washed the feet, the filthy feet of the ones he loved. I imagine the love in his eyes as he carefully cleansed. I think about Peter, he said "you shall never wash my feet." The Lord responded with "unless I wash you, you have no part with me." The job of foot washing was that of the household servant. Yet the master humbled himself and served. One by one, an intimate moment. I am not sure about you, but I have been on both the giving and receiving end of a foot washing. And it is beautiful. Now I have done so with relatively clean feet. How much more the love and compassion when you are truly dirty, with filthy flip flop feet?
Lord, cleanse me from the inside out.
You always have great insights Sarah. I had never thought of it from that persepctive before.
i too am a flip flop and/or barefeet girl.............cleanse me too LORD. wash me.
oh and i LOVE this scene in gospel of john - have u seen it?
Beautiful post and wonderful insight.
One of the most romantic things my husband has ever done, was to come home one night with a basin. He got down on his knees and with warm soapy water, he washed my feet with such love and adoration for me. While washing my feet he explained why he loved and how he had such a desire to serve me. It was humbling and beautiful. And to this day, I remember softly crying as he showed his love for me. There is nothing like having a husband love his bride like that!
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