There have been so many different people that have shaped me throughout my life. My friends!
Growing up there were not many kids my age so I often played alone. Enter Amy, she was many years younger than me but that did not matter. We played Barbies, Little Pony and house. She brought elements on being a girl to my life.
In middle school there was Janie. Nearly every weekend I spent at her house. We would talk to all hours of the night. We would walk to the store buying ungodly amounts of candy and play Monopoly until our eyes hurt.
In high school there was Jennie. We were inseperable. We were nearly joined at the hip and for one day we actually were when we became the two headed fat farmer for halloween. With Jen I went through teen rebellion. We searched for who we were. We marched. Sang. Delivered pizza flyers for extra cash. We were there for each through male woahs. It was Jennie that joined me on Palm Sunday of my Sophmore year, when I knew God was calling me back to His church and I was to scared to go alone. From Jennie I learned not all childhoods are picture perfect. Not all homes are safe havens. From Jennie I learned that two are better than one.
When I graduated I did so a changed person, I had accepted Christ and my life was on a new path. A new season, new friends. At this time God brought about some healing. Rob, Rachel, Russ, Mike T, Kylie, Kristin, OYG and Visions. Each playing a role in shaping who I was.
At Visions I met my husband, he quickly became my new best friend. 4 months after we met we were engaged and 8 months after that we were married.
For awhile there our closest friends were much older than us. Our small group at church was nearly twice our age. It was a time of mentoring and growth. Natilie, Cheryl, Kathy and Micky were Godly women that encouraged me.
With the birth of our son, a new season was born. A new mommy, needing new mommy friends. When he was 6 months old I was invited to be a part of a mom and me play group. 6 moms and their 6 kids all close in age. All our firsts. We met together often. We encouraged each other through sleepless nights. We talked out new experiences. We grew envious when another child's exceled. As time went on some ladies moved away, the group ceased but one relationship stood strong. Sheri and I continued on. We both joined a MOPS group and saw each other regularly. It was not uncommon to have hour long conversations with Sheri and see her that day as well. Our sons are 3 weeks apart in age, so they are close buds. I don't know exactly how the drift happened but it did. We went from talking daily to barely talking at all. Yesterday, we went to visit her. It had been way too long. From Sheri I have learned that relationships with women are vital. That there are others that experience many of the same ups and downs as I do. I hope to be closer in the future than we have been this past year.
When my son was still small we changed churchs, changing small groups. We went from being the youngest in our small group to a group were everyone was young marrieds begining families. From this group we met some awesome couples. Even cooler ladies; Erin, Kari, Chalice, Carla, Bridget, Sarah, Kellie, Jessica. And I gained a new best friend, Melissa. Our love for our children and our love for games made us fast friends. We love games. We can sneak in a game of Quiddler like no other. Kids on laps, playing in the other room, whenever, however. When Survivor hit the airways. We heaed out to each others homes. It became our time alone together. I suppose we are both responsible for the recent onslaught of reality shows. Oh well! With rises in gas prices it is hard for us to get together as often as we would like. There will always be love for Melissa.
Bridget, it doesn't matter how far away you go. I will always love you too. You make me laugh. You challenge me. And you bless me. Thanks for the recent surprise.
A few years ago I joined a ladies small group at church. From the outside you would have looked at us and thought we have nothing in common. If we were anything it was diverse. Thankfully we were much more. We were women opened to loving, laughing and learning together. You each have a special place in my life.
A precious jewel in my life is Jenny. When I picture her I actually see shimmering jewels. She is a friend that prays. And more specifically she prays for me and with me. She will call out of the blue and ask what I need prayer for. And when she asks I know she follows through. We have a deep spiritual connection. She knows in her spirit when to be praying for me. We may not see each other often or talk everyday. But when we do it is always something of substance.
Sherry, my dear sweet sister-in-law. She is a breath of fresh air. She lives life for God and loves him with her whole being. She encourages me in my faith. She encourages me as a mother and as a wife. I love her! I am so thankful I married into a relationship with her that has really developed and blossumed over the last couple years.
Kellie, I love growing with you. I love how you seek out truth and deeper answers than the words of man. I look forward to many more years with you by my side.
Mindy, you have been there through moments of sheer panic and moments of great joy. You love my children as your own. I love how we can talk about deep things. I love your heart.
Kristina, while we have only just begun. You are already very special to me. Thanks for pursueing the scriptures with me. Thanks for opening up your life to someone you have never really met.
So many more online that I would have never imagined touching my life the way you do! Thanks blogger for opening up a whole new world of relationships, people otherwise I would have never met. Touching my life daily.
Wow the more I think about it, the more I realize I have been touched by so many women. My life shaped by different people at different seasons. And because of it I am all the better.
Shout out of love to my friends, new and old!