Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Last night DH and I watched the Adam Sandler movie Spanglish. DH skipped out early and went to bed but I am not one to leave a movie unless offended. DD woke up hysterical in the middle of the movie so I went and got her and we cuddled. She fell back asleep immediately but I kept her with me. One of the last lines in the movie is "I am my mother's daughter." It was cool to be holding her thinking about this. She is my daughter and so much of what I teach her will be a part of who she is. What will she be, accomplish or do? How much will she reflect me? How much will she say that's for you? (I'd rather do it my way) Will she have my lack of style? Will she have vibrant faith? I wonder.
My own mother... I am her daughter. While we are different there is much that's the same. Confidence, independence, value of family, love of camping and nature and an appreciation for Wal-Mart. I have learned much from her life. Her joys and hardships have shaped me. I was reminded last week of a time when I wasn't sure she would be around for my graduation. I feared she wouldn't see me marry or meet my children. Praise God she has seen all of these things accomplished. She is still here and I am thankful.
While I may not have her eyes or her hair, her nose or smile....I am her daughter. Always will be!

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