Saturday, December 24, 2005


Driving around town the other day DS was playing around with words. Sounding them out slowly. SSSSAAAAMMMM. This is the conversation that followed:
"how do you spell sam?"
"sound it out again"
"what letter is sssss?"
"what letter is aaaa?"
"what letter is mmmm?"
"how do you spell sam?
"You did spelled sam! And it wasn't spqup...each letter has a sound."
"I spelled sam!"
When we got home he wanted to write it down so he got a piece of paper and wrote sam, mom, dad, sisters name and his name. He was so proud of himself that he could spell them all by HIMSELF. Such an awesome discovery. I think we are on the road to reading...and looking forward to the adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am well known for burying my emotions down deep...but I have to say that when Kaitlin began to read, I was an emotional wreck. I cried when she read, I cried when I thought about her reading, I cried when I listened to a song about a child learning to surprised me how special a time it was. Enjoy!!!