Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Brought To You By the Letter Bb

Some of the greatest moments in learning do not come from the textbook!
As we embark on this new reading journey I have been in search of early readers, such as bob books. I want as many early sucesses in reading so that he is more excited than frustrated in our reading journey. It has been a challenge getting my hands on begginer readers. The library has many early reader books that are one step ahead of where he is. No bob books, no scholastic book sets. I looked through the latest book order and found none there as well. As I searched the library shelves I did find one series that seems to be a good transition, The Sound Box Library by Jane Belk Moncure. They are much longer than those first phonic books so I was concerned that DS would not want to even try. We made a deal, he reads one and I read him two long books. It was a deal. The other night we sat down and he read, there were some words that were just above his level and had some vowel sounds or sound combos we have not covered. I helped him through those. He did it, he read the book. Woohoo. This morning we did the second book My "b" Sound Box. I helped him on the difficult words like carefully, something and bounced. And I gave assistance when he was saying the wrong sound. This all is normal school stuff. Pretty textbook. In the story the girl, little b, goes on a b walk looking for things to put in her box that start with b. DS came up with the idea that we could make a "b" box. So when we finished reading the book, we got out a big box and began to fill it up. DS and DD were running all over the place finding things that started with B, and the majority of the things they found they discovered on their own. It was brillant. Then DS wanted us to write all the words of the things we found. The list kept growing and growing.
Here is the big box with the boy and their "b" belongings.

The "b" list

And my big blue-eyed babe.



ampraisingHim said...

What a great job everyone did on the letter 'b'. He might even grow to have the 'b' be his favorite letter! Have a great day!

This Journey of Mine said...

That is good! What a great teaching time!

Anonymous said...

Great idea and how fun!

Gina Conroy said...

What fun! My kids never initiate learning like that. I have to bring my first grader with little snacks, just to sit in his seat and focus!

I'm just so thankful my kids pick things up quickly or I'd really have a tough time getting them to learn anything.

Butterfly Mama said...

How great...great idea. I'm filing this one away for a few years down the road!