Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Christian, A Lion that Loved

Gotta love Bloglines. This video was on New Urban Legends this morning. I have watched it four times and cried each time. Mindy this may answer our question about are animals capable of feelings. That lion is expressing love if I ever have seen it.

Christian, the lion, was raised by these two men for a year until they realized he would be too large for them to keep. They ended up relocating him to Kenya Reserve where Christian was acclimated to the wild. Eight years later the men wanted to go see Christian. They were told by the reserve manager that he had not been seen for nine months and the trip would most likely be in vain. They went anyway. Christian arrived at the camp the night before they landed and this video is of their reunion. Very touching.
You can check out the whole story in this Snopes report.

P.S. I Love You!

1 comment:

Ang said...

I love that!! It was awesome..It was great meeting you on Saturday!