Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Bead Well Traveled...

It's latest adventure...

up my daughter's nose.


Diane@Diane's Place said...

Glory be!! I'm glad that ended well. I hope it didn't take a trip to the ER to retrieve it.

I've never understood the why of it, but they all seem to put something in their nose or ear at least once, if not more. Hmmmm...???

Anonymous said...

I haven't hit that stage yet...or rather Little King not me...

Anonymous said...

Been there. Done that. In our case it was a tiny screw. The thing was that Son was big enough to know better. The ER staff had a good laugh.

Gina Conroy said...

One of my kids had a white bead like that up their nose. In the past, when one of my kids got food up their nose, I just plugged the other one and made them blow.

It usually came out, but this one had a hole in it and wouldn't. Qe had to go to the doctors to remove it.