Thursday, October 08, 2009

Welcome Back Blogger!

You know when you go to an amusement park and you ride a roller coaster. The friendly college student running the ride always, without fail, says,"Welcome Back Riders! We hope you enjoyed your ride."
Well, I have to say I did not intend to ride away from blogging for the Summer. It just kinda happened. While living life, I lost time to blog. But trust me life has been happening. We have had moments of triumph, death, diagnosis, growth and learning. It makes me kinda sad to not have each of these precious moments documented for me to look back years from now and remember. Already the days have melded together and if I try to pick out specific moments I have to think really hard and bust out the calendar to remember.
Rather than let that get me down I am choosing to blog again. I pray I find the time. Be it early in the morning or after the kids go to bed, I just need to do it and make it a priority.
Welcome Back Blog Readers! I hope you enjoy your ride.


KelseyChristine said...

Glad your back :)
I used the article you sent me for a paper I had to write...thank you for thinking of me! Hope you are doing well :)

knittindaisy said...

Welcome back, yourself!! :oD