Monday, January 08, 2007

When Hubby Travels

Over the last few months hubby has been traveling....A LOT!
Since October he has been home probably 3 out of the 12 weeks. Meaning I am getting pretty used to parenting solo. I have gotten into a routine. Unfortunately, he has gotten into a routine of being solo as well. He was home this weekend and readjusting is hard. He is used to quiet, no kids, things in his order, time to himself, freedom with his schedule. So re-entry into a chaotic home of two young children, has it's stressful moments. For me, I am used to having the vehicle and complete control of our schedule. He is gone again for the week and when he returns it should be for a long time. With no expected flights out for awhile. Thankfully!
Our son the other day said, "I miss Daddy, when he is gone, it feels inside me like he is not even a part of our family." OK Woah!! If he is feeling like that, something has to change. And this come and turn right back around is not working. We just start getting readjusted to him being home and he is gone again.
I am thankful this trip is a short one. I am thankful it is the last one in current sight. I am thankful my hubby works for a great company and provides for us. I am thankful he enjoys his travels. I am thankful when he comes home. I will be thankful even more when I get to accompany him on his adventures abroad.
Anyone else have to deal with traveling hubbies? How is it for you?


Linds said...

My husband was in the merchant navy. Away for 9 months of the year in 3 month blocks, so I know ALL about this. One thing we did when the kids were small was to have him record himself reading favourite stories, and at night, we used to play part of them. Now you could do this on a camcorder. I will think of more ideas today. I will be back.

Anonymous said...

My husband traveled for nearly 2 years. We never knew when he was leaving or coming back. A few times he would be home just long enough to get clean clothes before heading back out again. We did get to tag along occasionally-free vacation-so it wasn't all bad.

During this time, I didn't take on any big projects. I was overextended as it was and anything else would have pushed me over the edge! The traveling never seemed to affect the kids. Their only question was "where is Dad today". I found myself angry at him when he came back. I wanted to do things as a family and he wanted to rest. I had a routine at home and he didn't know what that was. Eventually we decided the negatives of the job outweighed the positives. I'll admit sometimes I miss the frequent flyer miles and free vacations but having him home all the time is more fun. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I"m sorry but no Tre doesn't travel....

Sarah Smith said...

My marriage has included NOTHING but traveling so far, seriously, so I have no idea about transitions. We'll see how it goes in a couple of months here when AnonymousDad returns from his deployment. He calls every day that he is able and talks to both Silly and me (except for the times that he's only able to call when it is 2 am my time - then he only gets a really drowsy version of me). We rely a lot on email and digital photos. Sigh. It will be nice when he's home.