Wednesday, January 03, 2007

All Men May Run Along

I can tell ya now this will be too much info for the testosterone type. So come on back tomorrow. Go on now.

Alright ladies. Menstration. I don't blame you if any of you want to run along now too. Go ahead and go if your going to go.

OK. Still here? Good. The last few days have been a whole lot harder on the flesh. I have slept in the last three days. It began Saturday night with staying up late to read, continued on with late night for New Year's Eve and has continued on. This morning I had the thought that it may be attributed to that time of the month. Our bodies have different needs during this lovely week. So could it be that I am having a harder time getting up because of it? I hope so because this needs to end.

Also, I had food cravings on Monday that I gave into. The Snickers bar was devoured. Overall, I have done most excellent with the eating aspect. I really am pleased with how it has been. Normally the week of my period would be fried foods. While they do not help with cramps, they make them worse, my body usually craves them. I have yet to partake in fast food during this operation. I have ate out but not the normal cheese burger and fries. It has been soups and salads. A huge improvement.

And...what do you do when you are flowing and want to workout? Do you go light? Do you continue at the same intensity as normal? I am finding myself drawn to going harder than normal. Not sure if this is just feeling like I am behind or if my body needs it. It could be because I watched the all day marathon of the Biggest Loser 3 and found a bit of motivation. In between the commercials I was moving, crunching, running, doing jumping jacks. Again it could have been because I was thinking you are watching TV all day (it was on New Year's Day.) Anyhow, I am thinking it is not all that fair to woman that we have to endure this once a month for a week at a time. We have to add weight to line our wombs. We crave things. Hormones go all over the place. It alters our daily rhythms. Water weight. It is not in the best interest of my success in this Operation Can to continue menstrating. I am beginning to think that it may be that very reason why no woman has ever won Biggest Loser. They have had tremendous success but have not won the whole thing. That is because the men do not have to deal with this kind of stuff.

Then on the other hand. The whole thing is stinking amazing. God made our bodies in an incredible way that I can not even fully fathom. I am thankful that this womb has carried my children. And that it was a cozy place for them as they grew into the little people that they are. I am thankful that I am a woman. I am thankful. I am. Now if I could only figure how it all plays into my current goals, that would be good.

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


Mindy Richmond said...

Menstruation is definitely not fair, though it does serve that great purpose of baby-making. Just think how the infertile women feel, going through all that every month and for what? I remember many a month being resentful for having to suffer through it, with no baby to show for it. Now I guess I am less resentful, though pregnancy has proved to have its rough spots too. It's all part of that curse of Eve, I guess.

Linds said...

I remember telling my gynaecologist how I craved coca cola while menstruating, and he said that it was the body's perfect replacement for blood. Salt and sugar. So listen to the cravings! Or listen to your body. Pity about the weight though.Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I understand. Except I must say I am lucky to be oh, let's see 9 months without a visit....(well not 9 months yet but you know)

Sarah Smith said...

Okay, well, I think we must have some sort of strange mental connection across the miles because I could have written this post this week - I've been contemplating the same topics, dealing with the same water weight gain, and I, too, watched the Biggest Loser marathon. I usually gain 4-5 pounds (seriously!) during this one week per month, only to lose it in the next week. I kept wondering how the women on the show possibly make it through their weeks...

Oh, and two more things - I also crave working out harder while menstruating (probably because a lot of my cramps manifest in my thighs, of all places). And my last, and probably most important - that Snickers bar only has 280 calories. One Snickers bar will not kill you. One Snickers bar will not derail healthy eating. One Snickers bar is not the end of the world (I'm really working on learning this myself).

Karen Hossink said...

After my last baby, I was getting DeproProvera shots and didn't start my cycle. That was OK with me! When I was finished nursing, my breasts shrunk to an all time low, which didn't make me so happy.
I decided to have my tubes tied and stopped the shots but over a year later, I still hadn't started cycling again. Well, a doctor "fixed" me with some hormone pill and I've been monthly ever since. Oh, happy day.
The upside is, my breasts grew half a cup size when I started my period, and now for about a week every month they even get a little fuller!
Yes, menstruating is annoying. But I'll deal with it one week out of the month if it means I don't have to admit to wearing a 34 "nearly A"! (I know, I'm so shallow!)

Kellie said...

While working out at Curves my heart rate would normally be 28-31 in a ten second count. Except one week of the month. I would struggle to reach 20/ten secs. I hardly broke a sweat and I was just determined to work harder. It actually helped me feel better to work out that hard. But I always gained weight that week and I drank a lot more water than normal.

Yep, GOD wanted us set apart for some reason and HE picked some very interesting attributes to make us different from men. Just a very identifiable way to remind us that the world can never really be gender neutral.