Saturday, October 28, 2006

Morning Prayer

In my home Lord, be the center. Be the head. Lord, I give our home to you. Let it be used by you for your glory. Help me, Lord, to be the keeper of my home. Help my eyes to see the work to be done. Give me wisdom on how to see it through. And strength to my hands, to my body, to accomplish it, Lord.

Let our home be a place of rest. A place of peace. Let caos not rule our home, but your perfect peace. Let our home be a place of freedom. To praise and worship you. To grow in the knowledge of your ways. Lord, let there be freedom to be the person you have called me to be. A wife, a mother, a friend, a follower of Christ, a minister of His gospel, a dancer for the King of King.

Who do you say that I am?
What do you say about me?

Let not the words of others, or the things of this world bring me down. Lord, for it is you that I choose to please. It is you and your words I want to hear. Oh Lord, that I may hear your voice all the days of my life.

I love you Lord! Praise your name.

1 comment:

Margo said...

Wonderful prayer!! Amen and amen!!!