In order for the site to be ready for the workday we had to lay out the plots and remove the sod. With the BEAUTIFUL weather the leadership of the garden decided to act fast while the ground was ready. Here is what got done on April 1st.
Here is the site first thing in the morning.
Some picked up trash.
Some picked up sticks.
While others measured out the plots.
Then with the land prepped, we used the sod cutter to remove the sod.
Here is the boy rolling the sod.
Mounds and mounds of sod. By 3:00 we were finished and all plots were defined and the sod was removed and rolled.
The crazy crew feeling victorious! 8D
It was a wonderful day, with much being accomplished.
Now, we are looking forward to April 24th; the Comcast Cares Day. Where we will install the fence posts, fence, build a shed and benches, put up the sign and perhaps even plant some flowers. Woohoo!
If you live in Lansing and are looking to have a garden plot check out the Garden Project to find a community garden near you.
Sign up today!
All that hard work will pay off!
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