Friday, March 17, 2006

Can Anyone Help?

The situation is this: Mom ask one child to do a specific thing. The other child outruns to do it first.
For example:
DD can you please get the dishes? DS hears and says "I'll get them!" They both run to do it first. Cries and screams. Job gets done but with much fussing.

I like that they want to help. I want to teach them to be responsible. I want them to contribute to our home. I do not like the jelousy and competetion. It is a heart issue.

I do try to mix up my request evenly between them. Even so they choose to fight it out.

So can anyone help?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know... maybe if DD wants DS's job you can say, NO WAIT - I have something even MORE important for YOU to do, DD. That way the other one feels just as special. OR you could explain to them both that we can't all be hands and we can't all be feet. Each has a specific job to do and both are equally important. Hope this makes sense, and hope even more that it might help. (wink)