Thursday, November 06, 2008

Who Knows What This Post Will Be...

Most likely random fragments of life and pondering.

We started the school yesterday morning and after about 2 minutes I wondered why we have never established school rules. This was probably brought on by the thoughts of 'What will happen if I am forced to place my kids in school?' So I decided yesterday that we would come up with our classroom rules. With the kids input, this is what we came up with:
1. Sit properly in your chair. -sons contribution
2. Listen attentively - we have been studying attentiveness
3. Use kind and respectful words. -A must! No whining, complaining, arguing, words of anger, etc.
4. Respect others personal space and property. -We have an issue of hands to ourselves at the moment. So another must!
5. Do your very best.
6. Follow directions and obey.
We made out charts to track their progress and motivate them to follow them. They are both excited about the rules. I remember in 9th grade English, my teacher (Crowly) had some very simple, yet must be observed rules and everyone felt safe in her class. I think her two rules were, no putting down others and give me your best. Those two concepts alone changed the dynamic of her class room. Hoping it works the same magic in mine.

I have a peace about Obama being president-elect. I think some change he will bring will be good. I just truly pray he does not go after parental rights. Especially my right to homeschool. Which according to his views page he does OPPOSE. It would be a sad day in our home and for our nation if he did. Hence the thinking about what would happen question above.

Been having some medical tests. Awaiting their results. Trusting in Him, regardless of the reults.

Went to theater production at the Warton Center, If You Give a Pig a Pancake and other childrens stories. It was super cute and very funny. The kids and I laughed our way through the whole show. I love that our co-op creates these opportunities for me and my kids. Love it.

Been on facebook and the computer too much for the last 72 hours so after I press the publish button on this post the internet will be off for the remainder of the day! I will return tomorrow.

Love the weather the last few days. Warmth and crunchy leaves, yes! Been trying to get outdoors still. Went on a good hike on Tuesday. May go on another today. Hopefully.

Little girl is finally tall enough to climb the rock wall at the YMCA. She made it 2/3 of the way up on her first try.
The boy challenged himself to the "new" third more difficult climb; he was the first kid to make it to the top. Making him the youngest for the most current configuration. You should have seen his determination and then his smile on completing it.

Have a beautiful day! Remember you are loved. See ya soon.

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